Saturday, May 9, 2015

Guard Your Heart Saturday May 9

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that I learned how to "Guard My Heart"!! Not just in Relationships, also my Business Endeavors!! Let's face it,  we have to be careful of the company we keep... Period!! They are Negative people whose whole purpose in life is to drag others down.  Learn to Identify these people quickly and then Run!! Would you want to be in Business with that person?? Hell No!! Would you want those people as Friends?? No Way Jose!! Would you want to Fall in Love with someone life that?? Absolutely NOT!! So Guard Your Heart and don't let the negative and ruthless people enter into your life.  Keep them from coming in!! Guess what their purpose is... To Sabotage You!! You must protect all that you have worked for!! Stay Positive, stay on Your Course so you can be Unstoppable!! Then when you see someone going through the same thing, share your story and empower them to Guard their Heart!  May your day be filled with Loving, Positive and Inspiring People!! May they love on you, be a positive force and inspire you!! Happy Saturday!!  #guardyourheart #knowyourworth  #entrepreneur #positive #inspiration #empowerothers

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