Sunday, May 17, 2015

Solitude Sunday May 17

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!

What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the Solitude that I can take!! Some people call it "Me Time". Others call it "Retreat for One". There is a difference between taking a moment for yourself and isolating yourself. Solitude will refresh, renew and rejuvenate you.  Isolation will hurt, destroy and break down your Spirit. Do we go through times where we want to isolate ourselves from our friends and family?? Absolutely!! Its in those times, that we beat ourselves up, focus on the negative aspects and go through a deep dark depression.  And its in those times that we believe that we are worthless, unloved and unhappy!  We end up in a situation where we hear that Negative inner voice so much that we start to believe it!! Do Not Believe it!! That is where we can kill our spirit. 

Knowing the difference between these two will Empower you to focus on just taking a moment in Solitude to rest and recover. Then you see the first signs that you are isolating yourself, you can reach out before its too late!! As we learn what our early signs are, we can will learn how to redirect those times to make it our "Retreat for One" time!! We can cultivate time into our busy schedules to have down time, reflect, have some fun, wrap our arms around the people that we love, relax and enjoy just the simplest of things. In this time of Reflection, we have to breath in the moment and appreciate everything that we have. Give Glory. Pamper yourself. Be Mindful of your accomplishments, big and small. Then when the time is up and we have to join the rest of the world again, we will be Brighter, Happier and have More Energy!! Likewise, when you see someone else going through their isolation time, you can reach out and empower them to focus on the positive!

May you use your time of Solitude to ReFuel, Rejuvenate and Renew your Soul so you can accomplish what's coming next!! Happy Solitude Sunday!!

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