Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tulip Time Sunday May 3

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for TulipTime every year!! Even though they only are in Bloom for a short period of time, they are Beautiful!! Did you know there are over 3,000 different varieties of Tulips?? This got me to thinking about how many varieties of People there are in this world.  We come from different countries, economic background, religions etc. When we look at the Tulips when we can find the Beauty in each individual flower and when they're all together.  So why can't we do the same with People??!! Let's find the Beauty in our Differences!! Just like the Tulips' time of Being in Bloom, we only get a small window of time with some people in our lives. And sometimes we get a small window of opportunity at work, during the "busy season". And then there are circumstances where We are only "In Bloom" for a period of time. Don't waste Your Season!! Make the most of it in a positive way!! Admire each others' Beauty!! We All Bloom at different times, so Encourage those who need it!! Appreciate the people in your life for Their Beauty!! May your Day be full of Blooming Relationships and Blooming Business Endeavors!! This  Is  Your  Season!! Happy Sunday!!

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