Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Aspire Tuesday March 3

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for when we Aspire for a Goal, in return, we are Inspiring another person!! How cool is that!!?? When we Focus on our Dreams and Goals, then share our progress with other people, it Inspires them to Focus on their own Dreams and Goals!! We become Cheerleaders for one another!!  Maybe that's why we are all put here... To Lift each other up, Inspire, Motivate, Help, Coach, Mentor and Empower one another!! If we focus on Who we can Motivate each day as we wake,  maybe, just maybe, we will find a different Purpose for our Lives. Instead of being Negative and Hard on ourselves and beating ourselves up; we look forward to Being someone else's Cheerleader! And then someone will be there to Coach us when we need it! May your day be filled with opportunities to be an Inspiration for someone else and may you Aspire for Greatness!!  Happy Tuesday!! 

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