Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday March 12

Good Morning Campers!! It's #ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for where I came from. Growing up in a small town,  we looked out for each other.  We came to each others sides when we needed them to.  We helped our Neighbors!! We didn't look to be compensated,  we just knew that they would help when we needed it. Our society has changed as cities have grown and people move away from their original neighborhoods. We don't take the time to connect to the people who live across the street, as we are so busy looking down at our latest technological device. What if you needed help, who would help you?  In recent events in my own life, I've had people reach out to me from the old stomping grounds and as far away as India and Australia.  The point is that even if you're not living next to someone anymore, you can still reach out to them.  So if you know that someone has gone through a rough patch,  send a text,  an email or send a card and say I'm thankful for you, I'm thinking about you, I'm praying for you. It will help them through their day more than you know.  May your day be filled with love from people from where you came from. Happy Thankful Thursday!! #neighbors #reachout  #smalltown

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