Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Friday March 13

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Spring is upon us!  Many of you will be on Spring Break next week or sometime soon.  Personally, I don't get a Spring Break.  I do Love Spring!! It's the time of year that the grass that has been brownish turns green again until the heat of the summer burns it back brown.... Lol. Animals come out of hibernation and you can hear the birds chirp. If you think about it, the tarnished refreshes itself to become better. What was once  desolate, replenishes itself. In your Life, is there something that has been cold and weathered just waiting to be renewed?? A relationship maybe, your resume,  fitness goals?? We go through the ebbs and flows of life and sometimes we forget about the stuff we pack away for the winter. Spring is an opportunity to get back to those things we have neglected and work on them and then, Move (Spring) forward!! Spring brings us the feeling of cleaning out the old stuff, that's why it's called Spring Cleaning!  Is there any cleaning out of old feelings that needs to happen?  There might be a relationship with another person or it could be the negative inner conversation with yourself.  Whatever needs your attention, take moment and deal with it. Then take a breath of Fresh Air and Feel Better for what you have Accomplished!! May your day be filled with Fresh Air to get Spring started on the right foot!! Happy Friday!! #spring #freshair #finallyfriday

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