Monday, March 2, 2015

Brain Monday March 2

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my Brain!! I'm thankful that its like a file cabinet or computer that keeps so many wonderful memories of our lives and we can just pull one up at any given time.  Our brains hold the Bank of Motivation and Inspiration as well!! If we go through our days just in the routine, we don't learn anything new, we have not worked out our brain. When we work out our body, it is an ongoing process, right?? So why wouldn't we think about that for our brain as well?! We don't just get to create a muscle in our biceps and then it will be there for the rest of our lives.... Actually, if we don't continue to work on the bicep, it will eventually turn to mush. So does our Brain!!  If we own a business, do we get to show up on Monday and everything will be great the rest of the month? We have to continue to be available to what our business needs!  What are you doing to work on your brain?? Whether you play Words with Friends, Soduko or reading a new book, it all exercises your brain. Maybe that's why my grandmother took up oil painting later in her life!! She learned a different skill and she was still sharp as tack until her last few years. Is there a new skill that you have always wanted to learn, a new language?? Maybe now is the time, Do It Now before your Brain turns to mush!! We have to practice the positive skills on a daily basis. Today, I decided that I'm going to be happy and thankful for all that I have and for all that I'm about to receive. Do you think that I won't ever have to decide that tomorrow or 5 years from now? It is something we have to do on a daily basis. Be Thankful. Be Positive. Be Happy. Exercise Our Bodies. Exercise Our Minds!! May your life be full of ways to Make Your Brain Stronger!! Happy Monday!! 

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