Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Freedom Wednesday March 4

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?  I'm thankful for my Freedom!! Now when I say that I'm NOT talking about how the United States is a Free country....I'm talking about how I am Free from my past and I live Freely in my mind.  What does that mean??  It means I am evolved enough to admit when I'm wrong, which is often.  When we can't admit that we have a problem, whatever that problem is,  We become Prisoners of Our Own Mind!! We are refusing to see the truth about Ourselves. We are refusing to do the work,  the counseling,  the letting go of addictions in order to be Free.  We are not perfect beings.  And yet, there those people who hold on to that belief about themselves so strongly that they push people away!! Then they are left to think that everyone else has the problem... Wrong buddy!  If we are unable to admit the truth about ourselves, we will be confined to our Pride.  And when we let our Pride rule over us. We create All kinds of problems. We hold our Healing Hostage.  If this is you, get humble,  admit your struggles - all of them to another person.  When we bottle it up,  it comes out in other ways like anger,  violence, abuse, addictions. Let go of your Pride and be OK with not being perfect. Let go of your control and No longer be a prisoner of your own mind. Forgive who needs to be forgiven and forgive yourself. Let Go of your Pride and heal and you'll let those walls down so you're no longer a prisoner.  May you be Humble enough to admit your wrongs and be OK with not being perfect.  By doing this, you are being an example for the next person to do the same!! Then you can have Freedom for your future!!  Happy Wednesday!!  

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