Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 25

Good Morning Campers!! It's ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that for the last 6 months I've been writing this and have gotten Amazing feedback!! I started writing this coming from a place in my life when I was going through tough painful times.  Literally, I had a cyst growing in my body and I was worn out! And every day I woke up and made a choice to ask myself OK what can I be thankful for today?? And I found it!!

  So I started thinking how I could use this as blog to empower other people who are going through unbearable times, to take a moment and look for something, anything to be thankful for and focus on that instead of the negative. As I did this on a daily basis, my life started to change.  People I know were calling me Sunshine and saying that they are Happy Campers!! What the what...this is actually working in other people's lives??!!! Look, Life is Short!! Times will Suck!! Bad things happen to Good People every single day.  Sometimes, there are no words to describe how painful life Can be. And yet,  we have a choice, even if it's for a brief moment,  Look for something to be Thankful for!! We opened our eyes. We are loved by the people around us. We have a choice between positive and negative. The one we focus on is the one that grows, so choose wisely!! And when you see someone else focused on the negative,  reach out and ask what are they thankful for today??

So Thank You to All of You who took a moment to read this and thought about what to be thankful for today!! May your day be filled with Awesome Stuff, Amazing People and Fantastic Opportunities to Be Thankful for today and everyday!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day Sunday June 21

Good Morning Campers!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my Dad He Rocks!! Over the years, we have butted heads, yelled at each other and Laughed together!! We may not see eye to eye on things, however he will always love me!! Parents make mistakes just like us, the children make.  It's not easy to see that, get over that and forgive them for it.  Although,  once we can let go of the past,  we will love our parents for who are they are and not for who we expect them to be.

Anyone can parent a child,  but it takes a Special Person to Raise a child!! Dads and Single Moms make Sacrifices for us that we will never comprehend.  They try to do what's best for us!! They may not make the best choices, and yet, their hearts was in the right place.  I know Single Dads and Single Moms who pull Double Duty making up for the other MIA parent. It is not easy!! This Day is for you!! As you should be celebrated Every Day!! This is your Pat on the Back saying Good Job Dad or Mom!! Thank you for your Sacrifices!! Thank you for your Support!! Thank you for your Wisdom!! Thank you for your Tough Love!! We Celebrate You!!

And if you find yourself today wishing you had made amends with your Dad or Father Figure, Call Him!! It may be that he's been waiting to hear from you!! You never know, it could change your life.

 May All the Dads, Uncles, Grandfathers,  Single Moms and Father Figures out there have An Amazing day spent with a child who loves you!! May your Heart be Overflowing with Love from the children in your Life!! Happy Father's Day!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Never Stop Learning May 19

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that I have Never stopped Learning!! As an ‪‎entrepreneur‬ if we want to continue to grow our business and our selves, we have to keep stretching and learning!! When we feel that we have learned it all, we become a disservice for our clients. When we seek out ways to learn more, we become more!! This is concept goes across the board... From business, to fitness and even our spiritual journey. Learn, read and meet new people. Expand your horizons and you just might learn something new about yourself that will propel you into the phase of life!! May your day be filled with new opportunities to Grow!! Happy Tuesday!!

Thankful Thursday May 28

Good Morning Campers!! It's Thankful Thursday‬!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to have learned to not Measure My Life by looking at someone else's. It was a hard lesson to learn, as we all make our lives Appear wonderful! Truthfully, we all have Something we are going through. Your Something is different than my Something. In the past, I would think everyone has a better life than me. Everyone else's life seems so much Easier than mine... Boy was I Wrong!! You have Stuff and I have stuff that just really stinks going through!! It can be relationships, physical, financial...anything really. And when we talk to other people, we start realize there is Always someone who has is worse than us. But when we isolate ourselves, we tend to think we are the only ones going through tough times. And we start to Measure our own life, achievements and failures against what we perceive as "other people's lives". In reality, if you had a choice, you would Not want their problems either. So instead of thinking, my life sucks right now, I have too many bad things happen to me... Start by saying Thank Goodness you only have this on your plate. Don't Measure your life to Someone else's life. Measure your Life to who you were yesterday, an hour ago or even five minutes ago. With each ticking minute, we grow stronger, wiser and learn from our experiences. We are All here to help each other out, not to evaluate or determine who has a better life. So the next time, you hear someone wishing their life to be like someone elses, encourage them to only compare themselves to who they were yesterday. And how much they accomplished in just one day. May your day be blessed with Amazing Support to help you through your Stuff!! May you Measure your Growth, Talents, Skills and Knowledge to who you were yesterday and not to another person!! May you be Thankful for today!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Graduated May 31

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to have Graduated from high school on this day several years ago!! As we say Hello to the next month, let's look at the many ways we've Graduated!! We grow older, we grow Stronger, we Hope to grow Wiser...Did you? We all set out in Life to have Expectations of how our life is going to look from the day we graduate from high school. My goal back then was to get my PhD in Computer Science and then move to Japan. That didn't happen. Which is one way my Life Graduated into Finding what I'm Passionate about and Love to do and then go do that. So that's what I did, and that's what I still do. It's okay that Our Plans Change!! It's okay to Change Our Direction!! It's okay to Redirect Our Priorities!! When we graduate from high school, we only have 17-18 years experience, that's not enough to make Life Impacting Decisions!! So if you did not become what you set out to do from the day you graduated high school, know that You Graduated into Something Even Better!! And we Have to continue to Graduate forward to Our Next Level, then we can reach back and Empower the next person to so the same!! May your day be filled with Aspiring Dreams, Inspiring People and Hope to Graduate to the Next Level!! Happy Sunday!! 

Rock Bottom June 2

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Understanding of What My Rock Bottom was and Knowing that I could Focus on Looking Up!! We have All been through some tough times. Your Rock Bottom doesn't look like Your Friends, or Siblings or Parents. It looks like when you are finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you realize you are Worth More Than the life you've lead. Its when you Decide to wash your hands of your past choices and Decide that Going Forward, your Going to make Better Ones!! That's Rock Bottom!! It can feel like Hell!! And it can feel you've dug a hole back up, only to have the dirt fall back into your face. Sometimes, this is Life. However, It is Temporary. How you feel today is not how you'll feel six months from now. It Will get Better!! Look Up, don't look back and dwell on how you wished it had been different. It will not change anything. Look Up to Focus on Brighter Future!! Look Up to be Inspired to Keep Moving Forward!! Look Up to Pray!! Look Up to Life Getting Better, not back to normal!! Then you can reach out and empower someone else to Look Up when they hit their Rock Bottom!! May your day be filled with Looking Forward, Looking Up and Moving Ahead in Your Life!! Happy Tuesday!!

Thankful Thursday June 4

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's Thankful Thursday!! 

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Like Minded People in my Life!! Sometimes, we meet a person and think, I want to know more about that person. They have a story. Guess what, we All have a Story!! The real question is, Does Their Story Align with My Story?? How are we Like Minded?? How can we Help Boost each other and Propel us Both into the Next Level?? How are We on the Same Path coming from a Different Direction?? How can We Help Carry each other's Backpack?? There is always Talk of Paving our Own Way. And yet, we were Not meant to do it Alone!! If we Look at the people we think are successful, whether it's business, fitness or spiritually, They each have a Team to Help them. They have surrounded themselves with Like Minded People!! It may take months, year and even decades to meet these people. And when we do and we put all of Our Collective Knowledge, Strengths and Wisdom on the table, there is No Stopping US!! Its more like... This is going to be something so Instrumentally Huge, that it is Beyond where Our Imaginations can even fathom!! Hang in there, the right people are waiting to meet you too!! Don't give up, as it will come to fruition further than you have ever experienced or expected!! Then, one you become accustomed to working as a Team, then you can reach back and Empower others to Search and Wait for Their Like Minded People!! May your day be filled with People who you have been looking for and didn't even know you were looking!! May Your Minds Collaborate Unimaginable Greatness Together!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wake Up Sunday June 14

Good Morning from  Camp Sunnyside!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Hot Caffeinated Beverages that help me Wake Up!! Lately,  I switched over to Green Tea instead of Coffee.  Which anyone who knows me, knows I 💙 me some coffee!! I thought the switch would be healthier. So today I decided to treat myself to coffee and to see if I notice any difference between the two.  Which got me to thinking...

How many times do we get stuck in a rut?? We don't notice it's a rut, until something or someone throws a wrench into it and makes us change.  If we drive the same way to work every day, we become comfortable and drive almost on autopilot.  But when there's an accident and have to take a detour around it, we Wake Up to what's new. The same goes for our taste buds.  When we are forced to try new things, we "Wake Up" our senses!! So this theory also applies to all areas of our lives. We become comfortable in our "role" that we play in life.  And then we Wake Up and Change the Structure that we have become, what we've become accustomed to. If we have always been a Follower and then one day we have to step in as the Leader,  we may learn that we have Leadership Skills that we didn't know we had!! Don't let the roles you put on yourself define who you are!! When we have to Step Out of Our Comfort Zone, we Wake Up ourselves to become something much more than we had thought we can be.  So maybe it's time to Take a Detour, Find some New Friends or Change the Food we eat to change how we perceive ourselves!! Then we can reach out and Empower others Change it Up!! May your day be filled with Opportunities to Wake Up to who you thought you were and try something new in order to see that you are so much more!! Happy Sunday!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 11

Good Evening Campers!! It's Thankful Thursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the People who Truly care about me!! They reach out just when the time is right!! They make me feel better just by being them!! They make me laugh when I didn't think I could even smile!! When we have People like this in our Lives, we are able to let go of our worries and trust that someone else will help carry our stuff. Time is too short to be negative and sometimes we just need a place to rest before we head onward and upward!! May your Life be filled with Amazing People who can  Cheer You Up,  Help You Out and Let You Chill when needed!! Happy Thursday!!