Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 25

Good Morning Campers!! It's ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that for the last 6 months I've been writing this and have gotten Amazing feedback!! I started writing this coming from a place in my life when I was going through tough painful times.  Literally, I had a cyst growing in my body and I was worn out! And every day I woke up and made a choice to ask myself OK what can I be thankful for today?? And I found it!!

  So I started thinking how I could use this as blog to empower other people who are going through unbearable times, to take a moment and look for something, anything to be thankful for and focus on that instead of the negative. As I did this on a daily basis, my life started to change.  People I know were calling me Sunshine and saying that they are Happy Campers!! What the what...this is actually working in other people's lives??!!! Look, Life is Short!! Times will Suck!! Bad things happen to Good People every single day.  Sometimes, there are no words to describe how painful life Can be. And yet,  we have a choice, even if it's for a brief moment,  Look for something to be Thankful for!! We opened our eyes. We are loved by the people around us. We have a choice between positive and negative. The one we focus on is the one that grows, so choose wisely!! And when you see someone else focused on the negative,  reach out and ask what are they thankful for today??

So Thank You to All of You who took a moment to read this and thought about what to be thankful for today!! May your day be filled with Awesome Stuff, Amazing People and Fantastic Opportunities to Be Thankful for today and everyday!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

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