Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day Sunday June 21

Good Morning Campers!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my Dad He Rocks!! Over the years, we have butted heads, yelled at each other and Laughed together!! We may not see eye to eye on things, however he will always love me!! Parents make mistakes just like us, the children make.  It's not easy to see that, get over that and forgive them for it.  Although,  once we can let go of the past,  we will love our parents for who are they are and not for who we expect them to be.

Anyone can parent a child,  but it takes a Special Person to Raise a child!! Dads and Single Moms make Sacrifices for us that we will never comprehend.  They try to do what's best for us!! They may not make the best choices, and yet, their hearts was in the right place.  I know Single Dads and Single Moms who pull Double Duty making up for the other MIA parent. It is not easy!! This Day is for you!! As you should be celebrated Every Day!! This is your Pat on the Back saying Good Job Dad or Mom!! Thank you for your Sacrifices!! Thank you for your Support!! Thank you for your Wisdom!! Thank you for your Tough Love!! We Celebrate You!!

And if you find yourself today wishing you had made amends with your Dad or Father Figure, Call Him!! It may be that he's been waiting to hear from you!! You never know, it could change your life.

 May All the Dads, Uncles, Grandfathers,  Single Moms and Father Figures out there have An Amazing day spent with a child who loves you!! May your Heart be Overflowing with Love from the children in your Life!! Happy Father's Day!!

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