Monday, June 15, 2015

Rock Bottom June 2

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Understanding of What My Rock Bottom was and Knowing that I could Focus on Looking Up!! We have All been through some tough times. Your Rock Bottom doesn't look like Your Friends, or Siblings or Parents. It looks like when you are finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you realize you are Worth More Than the life you've lead. Its when you Decide to wash your hands of your past choices and Decide that Going Forward, your Going to make Better Ones!! That's Rock Bottom!! It can feel like Hell!! And it can feel you've dug a hole back up, only to have the dirt fall back into your face. Sometimes, this is Life. However, It is Temporary. How you feel today is not how you'll feel six months from now. It Will get Better!! Look Up, don't look back and dwell on how you wished it had been different. It will not change anything. Look Up to Focus on Brighter Future!! Look Up to be Inspired to Keep Moving Forward!! Look Up to Pray!! Look Up to Life Getting Better, not back to normal!! Then you can reach out and empower someone else to Look Up when they hit their Rock Bottom!! May your day be filled with Looking Forward, Looking Up and Moving Ahead in Your Life!! Happy Tuesday!!

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