Monday, June 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday May 28

Good Morning Campers!! It's Thankful Thursday‬!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to have learned to not Measure My Life by looking at someone else's. It was a hard lesson to learn, as we all make our lives Appear wonderful! Truthfully, we all have Something we are going through. Your Something is different than my Something. In the past, I would think everyone has a better life than me. Everyone else's life seems so much Easier than mine... Boy was I Wrong!! You have Stuff and I have stuff that just really stinks going through!! It can be relationships, physical, financial...anything really. And when we talk to other people, we start realize there is Always someone who has is worse than us. But when we isolate ourselves, we tend to think we are the only ones going through tough times. And we start to Measure our own life, achievements and failures against what we perceive as "other people's lives". In reality, if you had a choice, you would Not want their problems either. So instead of thinking, my life sucks right now, I have too many bad things happen to me... Start by saying Thank Goodness you only have this on your plate. Don't Measure your life to Someone else's life. Measure your Life to who you were yesterday, an hour ago or even five minutes ago. With each ticking minute, we grow stronger, wiser and learn from our experiences. We are All here to help each other out, not to evaluate or determine who has a better life. So the next time, you hear someone wishing their life to be like someone elses, encourage them to only compare themselves to who they were yesterday. And how much they accomplished in just one day. May your day be blessed with Amazing Support to help you through your Stuff!! May you Measure your Growth, Talents, Skills and Knowledge to who you were yesterday and not to another person!! May you be Thankful for today!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

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