Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wake Up Sunday June 14

Good Morning from  Camp Sunnyside!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Hot Caffeinated Beverages that help me Wake Up!! Lately,  I switched over to Green Tea instead of Coffee.  Which anyone who knows me, knows I 💙 me some coffee!! I thought the switch would be healthier. So today I decided to treat myself to coffee and to see if I notice any difference between the two.  Which got me to thinking...

How many times do we get stuck in a rut?? We don't notice it's a rut, until something or someone throws a wrench into it and makes us change.  If we drive the same way to work every day, we become comfortable and drive almost on autopilot.  But when there's an accident and have to take a detour around it, we Wake Up to what's new. The same goes for our taste buds.  When we are forced to try new things, we "Wake Up" our senses!! So this theory also applies to all areas of our lives. We become comfortable in our "role" that we play in life.  And then we Wake Up and Change the Structure that we have become, what we've become accustomed to. If we have always been a Follower and then one day we have to step in as the Leader,  we may learn that we have Leadership Skills that we didn't know we had!! Don't let the roles you put on yourself define who you are!! When we have to Step Out of Our Comfort Zone, we Wake Up ourselves to become something much more than we had thought we can be.  So maybe it's time to Take a Detour, Find some New Friends or Change the Food we eat to change how we perceive ourselves!! Then we can reach out and Empower others Change it Up!! May your day be filled with Opportunities to Wake Up to who you thought you were and try something new in order to see that you are so much more!! Happy Sunday!!

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