Monday, June 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 4

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's Thankful Thursday!! 

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Like Minded People in my Life!! Sometimes, we meet a person and think, I want to know more about that person. They have a story. Guess what, we All have a Story!! The real question is, Does Their Story Align with My Story?? How are we Like Minded?? How can we Help Boost each other and Propel us Both into the Next Level?? How are We on the Same Path coming from a Different Direction?? How can We Help Carry each other's Backpack?? There is always Talk of Paving our Own Way. And yet, we were Not meant to do it Alone!! If we Look at the people we think are successful, whether it's business, fitness or spiritually, They each have a Team to Help them. They have surrounded themselves with Like Minded People!! It may take months, year and even decades to meet these people. And when we do and we put all of Our Collective Knowledge, Strengths and Wisdom on the table, there is No Stopping US!! Its more like... This is going to be something so Instrumentally Huge, that it is Beyond where Our Imaginations can even fathom!! Hang in there, the right people are waiting to meet you too!! Don't give up, as it will come to fruition further than you have ever experienced or expected!! Then, one you become accustomed to working as a Team, then you can reach back and Empower others to Search and Wait for Their Like Minded People!! May your day be filled with People who you have been looking for and didn't even know you were looking!! May Your Minds Collaborate Unimaginable Greatness Together!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

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