Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One Step Wednesday April 15

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful that after all these years I haven't given up on my #Dream!! If you're #Passionate about what you do,  the money will come naturally!! These are words that I've heard for many many years from a former boss.  I still believe it to this day!  When we have a dream, a goal to make our lives better,  it takes consistentacy and tenacity!! It takes time for things to unfold!! It doesn't mean we don't get discouraged along the way.  It means we take the punch and then get back up to fight another day.  At some point,  we will be able to look back and see all we accomplished and understand why it took so long!! It took as long as it was supposed to take.

We live in an instant gratification society.  However,  when we put our heart and soul into our dreams,  it will take pain stakingly blood, sweat and tears to see it come to fruition.  Hang in there!! Don't give up!! One step at a time!! Stay focused!! Then when we have changed the world,  we can empower others who are discouraged by sharing our story.  May your Day be going One Step Closer to making your dreams come true!! Happy Wednesday!!

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon, nice contribution. I call in over and over again with pleasure. I wish you nice Saturday. Best regards Erdi
