Monday, April 13, 2015

Redirect Monday April 13

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are #thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Times I've been #Redirected!! How many times do we start down a road and we see a detour sign?? It's the same thing!! We have to #Detour for our protection!! Sometimes, God redirects us by giving us a detour because he is protecting us. We may not know the reason, we just have to follow the signs to get around the obstacle!! There could be a dangerous situation ahead that we have to go around so we can be redirected on to a different path!  What if we kept going through the road blocks and flashing lights of warning?? We could potentially cause major harm to ourselves and our loved ones!  So follow the detour, learn a different route,  you never know what awesome stuff lies ahead by being redirected!! And then reach back and empower others to be OK with their detour!! May your day be filled with Road Blocks to protect you, Detours to Redirect you and a Peace knowing that you're going in the right direction!! Happy Monday!! 😊 #entrepreneur #empowerothers #empoweryourself #positive #inspiration #betterdayslieahead

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