Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 16

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for People in my life who have been an #Example for me!! I'm thankful that I've had positive influences in my life that lead by example with their actions!  Anyone can talk a good game,  but few Walk the Walk!! Our #Actions speak louder than our words.  Learn to trust people by who they show you to be and not by what they say. Too many times we fall for slick, fast talking "promises". People will  show us who they are by fulfilling those promises, then you can trust them.  We need to remember that we show who we are to other people by our actions too!

How many times have you heard someone complain about their life situation over and over again and yet never take the next step to change it??! This is what I'm talking about.  I had to learn that Taking Action is the only way to change my situation!! If I wanted to meet new people or learn something new or get in shape, I had to take Action and follow through.  Don't fall into the trap of a pity party,  Get Up and Take Action!! Ask yourself, what can I do about this?  How can I make this better for me?  And then Do It!! Life is too short to be surrounded by people who are all talk and never achieve anything!! Life is too short to feel sorry for ourselves!! May your day be filled with people who show you who they are by their Amazing Action. May you have the courage to Take Action for your Own Life!  And may be Be the Example for someone else!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 😊 #betheexample #takeaction #actionspeakslouderthanwords #courage #positive #inspiration #entrepreneur #fitness #empowerothers #empoweryourself

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