Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 9

Good Morning Campers!!  It's Thankful Thursday!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that I had to energy to make my bed today.  Sometimes if we accomplish one thing,  it makes the rest of our day seem like we did something productive.

  Life has been really hard for me these last six months or so.  I've been dealing with my own health and pain issues, had surgery, trying to recover, had a death of someone who was like a nephew to me,  and now my mother's cancer diagnosis.  Through this experience, there were days when I all I could do was cry. There were days where I couldn't get out of bed. And  through it all, I prayed for God to take this. That was the only way I knew how to deal with it. There was a weekend when every moment I was awake, I prayed because I knew I couldn't take anymore. From experience, I knew that the Blessing must Be on its way. I knew that with all the stuff that I'm working on... Business, physical and emotional well being... There is a Beautiful Reward just waiting for me on the other side of this.  When I reach to the Top of the Mountain, the View will be Worth all the Work!  When we get depressed about something and focus on "why me" instead of what am I supposed to be learning from this,  we don't move forward.  If we focus on All the things we will be able to accomplish when this temporary state is over, that's what will get us through.  And sometimes the lesson is just to Survive this moment and when someone else comes to you with their depressed ordeal,  you can encourage them with your story.

 We are building character. We are being prepared for the next trial in our life.  Life isn't fair or easy or even pleasant sometimes. Just keep moving forward even if all you can do is make your bed. May your life be full of people who love you so much to encourage you through the rough times,  be a shoulder to cry on when needed and listen to you rant about the tough stuff in life. And then turn around and pay it forward to the next person who needs it. Happy Thankful Thursday!! #positive #inspiration #motivation #keepmovingforward #lifeisnteasy

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