Saturday, April 18, 2015

Two Little Words April 18

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the words "Thank You"!! Ever given a gift or helped someone out and didn't receive a thanks? Even a verbal thank you or thank you text?? We can take for granted these two little words mean everything!! By using them, it says,  I Appreciate You, Your Time, Your Effort, Your Energy, Your Thoughts, Your Prayers...and a million other things!! Just Two Words!! Think about that!  These two words can a huge impact in someone else's life!! Some people will not do anything for you again if you don't say thank you.  It may hurt someone's feelings that you didn't acknowledge them. It may be the only reason why someone would do something nice for another person... Just hear those two words.  So let me tell you, anyone reading this,  Thank you!! Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to read what I wrote!! Thank you for engaging in conversation, friendship and laughs with me!! Thank you for sharing your two cents in whatever I have to say!! Thank you for sharing anything I post!! These two little words are not lost on me. They are a part of who I am. That's why I write. To express what I'm thankful for and I'm thankful for All of you!! May your day be filled Thank Yous, may you say Thank You and may you have a wonderful weekend!! Happy Saturday!!
#thankyou #thankyouinitiative #thankful #entrepreneur #bekind #KC2040

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