Sunday, April 26, 2015

Layers of Healing Sunday April 26

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the opportunity to Peel back the Layers of onion that is me and Heal!! As we go through life, we have stuff happen to us that we accumulate a rough, hard layer of protection around us. As time goes on, we can accumulate many layers of protection to guard out hearts from being hurt one more time.  What ends up happening is that we been crusty, just like that outside of an onion. Bitterness, hardness and resentment take over who we the world sees us.

When we decide that we've had enough, we take Action!! We take the necessary steps out of our comfort zone and start to peel away all of the layers and start to heal ourselves and reveal to the world who we are at the core of our being. The way we entered this world. The way we were designed.

Layer by layer we peel away and expose ourselves by sharing our story. Layer by layer, we feel, we grieve, we forgive, we let go, we remove and we rebuild. Layer by layer we take away the hardness that we have put up to protect ourselves and rebuild what's left by forgiving ourselves, others and loving ourselves. Layer by layer we open the wounds that have left scars on our soul, in order to heal those wounds, care for them and put the proper ointment of those old wounds. As we continue to peel away the outer layers, we become softer, more accessible, more lovable, more understanding, less judgmental. Do we still get hurt?? Sure we do, and, we have the proper tools put in place to make it sting less. Just like peeling an onion, we cry and we get closer to the core, we cry less. When we start, the pungent odor makes us be prepared to cry through each layer removal. Its ok and its necessary!! We will get to the middle! It will take lots of time!! 

Is there some crusty layers of bitterness, resentment and protection that you have built up?? The time is NOW to peel away and start to heal, start to be the person you were divinely designed to be!! You are here for a Purpose, a Reason!! YOU are a Gift!! So start removing and healing today! 

I have been there! Years ago, I had built up such a layer of protection stronger that Ft. Knox so no one could hurt me...guess what?? It just made the pain harder to handle, harder to let go and I became someone that I didn't want to be. So I took steps completely out of my comfort zone and started to peel the layer after layer away, cried a lot and healed. It can be done!! And as you do this, there will come a time when you will be called to reach out and empower someone else to peel away their layers!! May your day be filled with Peeling and Healing and Forgiving and  Loving yourself and others!! Happy Sunday!! 

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