Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Snowy Wednesday April 1

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that we are predicted to get One More Snow in before Spring officially arrives. I just love Snow, making a Snowman and how cold it makes me!! I love to bundle up in lots of clothing, coats, hats and gloves!! I love how pretty it looks when the snow is falling down.

NOT!! Happy April Fools!! HAHA I'm thankful that there is one day out of the year that we can pull jokes on each other and for the sport of it, we get to participate. Its a day to remind us not to take everything so seriously. We can get so bogged down with the demands of our life that we forget to laugh and have fun.  Are we having FUN yet?? That's a question we should ask when we get stressed. May your day be filled with Fun, Laughter and Good Jokes!! Happy Wednesday!!

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