Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 30

Good Morning Campers!!  It's Thankful Thursday!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that even though I've been scared to try something, I did it anyway!!  And the Results have been Beyond I could have ever imagined!!  At one point of my career, I considered going back to school. The question of "What do you want to be when you grow up??" resonated with me.  And I began to go over memories of being a little kid and answering that question... I've said Nurse, but nah, I don't like body fluids. I've said Astronaut...and my brother worked on the Space Shuttle so I got my fix that way. I also said teacher.  So I began to think about that.  But I don't like English,  Science, History...none of the interests me. So I began to dig deeper and realized I really want to Make a Difference in Other People's Lives and I am Absolutely Passionate about my Industry!! So I decided to go back to school to be a Cosmetology Instructor... Best of Both Worlds!!  Had to work part time and go to school full time,  which means starting over...After receiving the training and my license, I went to work in a salon where I was an assistant ( the bottom and do grunt work)  Starting over again!!  I was Terrified in both of these circumstances and I Did it Anyway!!   And within 6 months,  I was through the assistant program and was asked to be the Educational Director  at a new location. This was my goal but it was Beyond I could have imagined!! It was the best experience of my life and made Life Long friends and trained hundreds of people over ten years!  I made a difference in their lives!! 
Now,  one of those people that I trained won Hairstylist of the Year in Denver!!  I'm Beyond Thrilled for this person!!  Why??  When we can be Happy for another person's Success,  it is as rewarding as if we accomplished the same. When we put another person down for their accolades, it makes us fail in our goals. When we can Encourage, Empower andLift  another person,  we achieve Greatness Beyond our Wildest Imagination, cause we made a difference in that person's life!!  So May you Empower,  Encourage and Lift Up those around you and may you be able to be empowered to Go After Your Own Heart's Desires!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Layers of Healing Sunday April 26

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the opportunity to Peel back the Layers of onion that is me and Heal!! As we go through life, we have stuff happen to us that we accumulate a rough, hard layer of protection around us. As time goes on, we can accumulate many layers of protection to guard out hearts from being hurt one more time.  What ends up happening is that we been crusty, just like that outside of an onion. Bitterness, hardness and resentment take over who we the world sees us.

When we decide that we've had enough, we take Action!! We take the necessary steps out of our comfort zone and start to peel away all of the layers and start to heal ourselves and reveal to the world who we are at the core of our being. The way we entered this world. The way we were designed.

Layer by layer we peel away and expose ourselves by sharing our story. Layer by layer, we feel, we grieve, we forgive, we let go, we remove and we rebuild. Layer by layer we take away the hardness that we have put up to protect ourselves and rebuild what's left by forgiving ourselves, others and loving ourselves. Layer by layer we open the wounds that have left scars on our soul, in order to heal those wounds, care for them and put the proper ointment of those old wounds. As we continue to peel away the outer layers, we become softer, more accessible, more lovable, more understanding, less judgmental. Do we still get hurt?? Sure we do, and, we have the proper tools put in place to make it sting less. Just like peeling an onion, we cry and we get closer to the core, we cry less. When we start, the pungent odor makes us be prepared to cry through each layer removal. Its ok and its necessary!! We will get to the middle! It will take lots of time!! 

Is there some crusty layers of bitterness, resentment and protection that you have built up?? The time is NOW to peel away and start to heal, start to be the person you were divinely designed to be!! You are here for a Purpose, a Reason!! YOU are a Gift!! So start removing and healing today! 

I have been there! Years ago, I had built up such a layer of protection stronger that Ft. Knox so no one could hurt me...guess what?? It just made the pain harder to handle, harder to let go and I became someone that I didn't want to be. So I took steps completely out of my comfort zone and started to peel the layer after layer away, cried a lot and healed. It can be done!! And as you do this, there will come a time when you will be called to reach out and empower someone else to peel away their layers!! May your day be filled with Peeling and Healing and Forgiving and  Loving yourself and others!! Happy Sunday!! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Two Little Words April 18

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the words "Thank You"!! Ever given a gift or helped someone out and didn't receive a thanks? Even a verbal thank you or thank you text?? We can take for granted these two little words mean everything!! By using them, it says,  I Appreciate You, Your Time, Your Effort, Your Energy, Your Thoughts, Your Prayers...and a million other things!! Just Two Words!! Think about that!  These two words can a huge impact in someone else's life!! Some people will not do anything for you again if you don't say thank you.  It may hurt someone's feelings that you didn't acknowledge them. It may be the only reason why someone would do something nice for another person... Just hear those two words.  So let me tell you, anyone reading this,  Thank you!! Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to read what I wrote!! Thank you for engaging in conversation, friendship and laughs with me!! Thank you for sharing your two cents in whatever I have to say!! Thank you for sharing anything I post!! These two little words are not lost on me. They are a part of who I am. That's why I write. To express what I'm thankful for and I'm thankful for All of you!! May your day be filled Thank Yous, may you say Thank You and may you have a wonderful weekend!! Happy Saturday!!
#thankyou #thankyouinitiative #thankful #entrepreneur #bekind #KC2040

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 16

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for People in my life who have been an #Example for me!! I'm thankful that I've had positive influences in my life that lead by example with their actions!  Anyone can talk a good game,  but few Walk the Walk!! Our #Actions speak louder than our words.  Learn to trust people by who they show you to be and not by what they say. Too many times we fall for slick, fast talking "promises". People will  show us who they are by fulfilling those promises, then you can trust them.  We need to remember that we show who we are to other people by our actions too!

How many times have you heard someone complain about their life situation over and over again and yet never take the next step to change it??! This is what I'm talking about.  I had to learn that Taking Action is the only way to change my situation!! If I wanted to meet new people or learn something new or get in shape, I had to take Action and follow through.  Don't fall into the trap of a pity party,  Get Up and Take Action!! Ask yourself, what can I do about this?  How can I make this better for me?  And then Do It!! Life is too short to be surrounded by people who are all talk and never achieve anything!! Life is too short to feel sorry for ourselves!! May your day be filled with people who show you who they are by their Amazing Action. May you have the courage to Take Action for your Own Life!  And may be Be the Example for someone else!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 😊 #betheexample #takeaction #actionspeakslouderthanwords #courage #positive #inspiration #entrepreneur #fitness #empowerothers #empoweryourself

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One Step Wednesday April 15

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful that after all these years I haven't given up on my #Dream!! If you're #Passionate about what you do,  the money will come naturally!! These are words that I've heard for many many years from a former boss.  I still believe it to this day!  When we have a dream, a goal to make our lives better,  it takes consistentacy and tenacity!! It takes time for things to unfold!! It doesn't mean we don't get discouraged along the way.  It means we take the punch and then get back up to fight another day.  At some point,  we will be able to look back and see all we accomplished and understand why it took so long!! It took as long as it was supposed to take.

We live in an instant gratification society.  However,  when we put our heart and soul into our dreams,  it will take pain stakingly blood, sweat and tears to see it come to fruition.  Hang in there!! Don't give up!! One step at a time!! Stay focused!! Then when we have changed the world,  we can empower others who are discouraged by sharing our story.  May your Day be going One Step Closer to making your dreams come true!! Happy Wednesday!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Redirect Monday April 13

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are #thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Times I've been #Redirected!! How many times do we start down a road and we see a detour sign?? It's the same thing!! We have to #Detour for our protection!! Sometimes, God redirects us by giving us a detour because he is protecting us. We may not know the reason, we just have to follow the signs to get around the obstacle!! There could be a dangerous situation ahead that we have to go around so we can be redirected on to a different path!  What if we kept going through the road blocks and flashing lights of warning?? We could potentially cause major harm to ourselves and our loved ones!  So follow the detour, learn a different route,  you never know what awesome stuff lies ahead by being redirected!! And then reach back and empower others to be OK with their detour!! May your day be filled with Road Blocks to protect you, Detours to Redirect you and a Peace knowing that you're going in the right direction!! Happy Monday!! 😊 #entrepreneur #empowerothers #empoweryourself #positive #inspiration #betterdayslieahead

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 9

Good Morning Campers!!  It's Thankful Thursday!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that I had to energy to make my bed today.  Sometimes if we accomplish one thing,  it makes the rest of our day seem like we did something productive.

  Life has been really hard for me these last six months or so.  I've been dealing with my own health and pain issues, had surgery, trying to recover, had a death of someone who was like a nephew to me,  and now my mother's cancer diagnosis.  Through this experience, there were days when I all I could do was cry. There were days where I couldn't get out of bed. And  through it all, I prayed for God to take this. That was the only way I knew how to deal with it. There was a weekend when every moment I was awake, I prayed because I knew I couldn't take anymore. From experience, I knew that the Blessing must Be on its way. I knew that with all the stuff that I'm working on... Business, physical and emotional well being... There is a Beautiful Reward just waiting for me on the other side of this.  When I reach to the Top of the Mountain, the View will be Worth all the Work!  When we get depressed about something and focus on "why me" instead of what am I supposed to be learning from this,  we don't move forward.  If we focus on All the things we will be able to accomplish when this temporary state is over, that's what will get us through.  And sometimes the lesson is just to Survive this moment and when someone else comes to you with their depressed ordeal,  you can encourage them with your story.

 We are building character. We are being prepared for the next trial in our life.  Life isn't fair or easy or even pleasant sometimes. Just keep moving forward even if all you can do is make your bed. May your life be full of people who love you so much to encourage you through the rough times,  be a shoulder to cry on when needed and listen to you rant about the tough stuff in life. And then turn around and pay it forward to the next person who needs it. Happy Thankful Thursday!! #positive #inspiration #motivation #keepmovingforward #lifeisnteasy

Thursday, April 2, 2015

World Autism Day April 2

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for #Autism!! I have friends that have  children with Autism, clients that have children with it and know adults who are on the Spectrum with Asbergers. The reason I'm thankful for them is because the world we live is crazy and chaotic. We can go about our days with total and complete disregard for other people.  I believe the reason that Autism is in the rise,  is to teach us to be aware of how the things we do affect others. Instead of us making someone with special needs "fit" into our World, it's time to make our World, Fit for them!! We need to be more sensitive to others.  No one is immune to this.  So you can't live in denial or say that's someone else's problem!! We all know someone who is on the Spectrum.  Whether it's ADD, ADHD, Autism or Asbergers,  we know someone!! So instead of putting  unreasonable expectations on their behavior,  be open to how amazing these people are and glorify their Strengths!! Society looks down on others who are different. It's time Society changes!! May you give up your expectations on people and love them for who they are!  And may someone accept you for who you are and love you!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! #greatergood #KC2040 #empowerothers #empoweryourself #bekindtoothers #acceptthedifferences


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Snowy Wednesday April 1

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that we are predicted to get One More Snow in before Spring officially arrives. I just love Snow, making a Snowman and how cold it makes me!! I love to bundle up in lots of clothing, coats, hats and gloves!! I love how pretty it looks when the snow is falling down.

NOT!! Happy April Fools!! HAHA I'm thankful that there is one day out of the year that we can pull jokes on each other and for the sport of it, we get to participate. Its a day to remind us not to take everything so seriously. We can get so bogged down with the demands of our life that we forget to laugh and have fun.  Are we having FUN yet?? That's a question we should ask when we get stressed. May your day be filled with Fun, Laughter and Good Jokes!! Happy Wednesday!!