Saturday, February 28, 2015

Awakening Saturday February 28

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the Awakening that I have gone through!!  Ever felt like you were just going through the motions of life and one day something would happen to change everything??  That happened to me!! I had gotten out of an abusive relationship, did the counseling and was thinking is this what I'll continue to do... Wake up, work out, work friends, family and home.. Routine. I wanted something more... An Adventure!! A friend of mine was opening a salon in Chicago, at the time. I wanted to see it and see if he would let me come work there one week a month. So I found a free place to stay on Sunday, talked to him on Tuesday and set up a meeting for that Saturday, and bought my plane ticket on Wed!! I flew out on Thursday night. I met my friend whose Father was letting me stay in his work condo on Michigan Ave. On Friday, I went to the Taste of Chicago Expo, museums and shopped. Saturday was my meeting was at Trump Tower, where my friend's salon is located. Beautiful salon!! Great meeting!! He will always be my friend and mentor. He wanted me to move there permanently and work with him full time. Needless to say, I didn't go work with him one week a month however, I had the best time exploring the city all by myself!  The whole trip was Completely and Totally out of my Comfort Zone... And it Awaken the Sense of Adventure and Travel in me!! Since then I have taken several vacations by myself and I absolutely LOVE it!! Would I enjoy a travel buddy? Sure and when I go alone, I am left to figure it out myself and that's the adventure of it!! Sometimes we just need to step out of our comfort zone to know we can do anything we put our minds to!! Then we can reach out and empower others to step out of their comfort zone to Awaken the Spirit that lives within them!  May your day be filled with whatever Awakens You!!  Happy Saturday!!  

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