Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Self Respect Wednesday February 25

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Self- Respect!! Self-Respect is the regard of dignity of one's character. Ever have someone disrespect you by calling you mean and hurtful things?? What if that someone is You?? When we allow ourselves to hear those things from our own self talk, we allow others to talk to us like that!  So Now  is The Time to Stop It!! Change your Thoughts about Yourself!! Love Yourself!! Think about You as you think about your most precious loved one!! Cause guess what,  You Are!! You are Your most precious Loved One!! So instead of verbally beating yourself up, Nurture Yourself and Love Yourself!! Then you can invite another person in, who loves themselves, to love you. But if you talk to yourself like trash then you won't be able to trust another person's true nice character. You'll think they have ulterior motives!  Now some will and the ones who don't, you'll push away!! So today,  may You Treat Yourself as Your Most Prized Possession, cause You Are!! And then you can reach out and help someone else to treat themselves better!! Happy Wednesday!! #mostprizedpossession #selfrespect #keepitclassy #befabulous #positive #inspiration #lipstick #havedignity  #empowerothers #empoweryourself

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