Monday, February 23, 2015

Serenity and Tranquility Monday February 23

Good Afternoon from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Calmness when faced with Opposition!! We all face other people's anger, hostility, jealousy and even hate.  Just Stay Calm and Respond with the opposite of what they're expecting!! There will always be people who Love Drama and want to create it and get you to join in.  Instead, be a wrench in their plan and say that's too much drama for me and walk away. Imagine their surprise when you join in.  Same goes for anger. When someone comes at you with Anger and you Respond with Serenity instead of Reacting to their bad behavior, it may just change their mood. If they are used to people reacting the same way every time, then maybe it's time for us to shake things up a bit by remaining Calm, Serene, Tranquil and Peaceful. That could potentially change the way they handle things in the future. Maybe they don't know they are being hostile or drama filled. Believe me I'm guilty of my own drama, anger and jealousy so when I started noticing it in other people, I stopped. I made a choice it wasn't how I wanted to spend the rest of my Life wrapped up in drama. I chose to walk away from drama and guess what happened, it doesn't find me anymore!! Be the Force of Love, Calm and Light in someone else's life today and see what happens.  May your day be filled with Serenity, Tranquility and Love!! Happy Monday!! #positive #inspiration #calm #love #serenitynow #tranquil  #entrepreneurs #empowerothers #empoweryourself

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