Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beacon of Light Wednesday, February 11

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Beacons of Light that I have in my Life!! There are people who just shine as we talk with them and we know they want the best for us. They are in our lives to be an example for us.  To show us how to Love ourselves and Love others!! To show us that no matter what we've been through, we still matter!! To show us that we are the only ones who are  hard on ourselves!! To encourage us when we have an idea for a business, or a way of doing something better!! To put their arms around us and say "Its going to OK". Every day I have these people in my life and I am truly thankful for them!! I don't know where I would be without them. So to pay them back,  I Pay It Forward. May your day be filled with people who Beacons of Light for you and then you can reach back and be a Beacon of Light for someone else!! Happy Wednesday!!

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