Sunday, February 1, 2015

Generous Sunday, February 1

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for Other's #Generosity!! Now when I say that,  I don't mean money!! I mean People who are Generous with their Time, with their Kindness and with their Love!! Ever have someone take an hour to sit down with and just listen?? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!!  They were Generous with their Time, Kindness and Love all at the same time!  We are all busy!!  We all have Hectic schedules!! And yet we will make time for the ones who matter.  What about those who we don't think matter??  Maybe that's where we need to Focus our Generosity!  Maybe we Should spend some Time, Kindness and Love to someone who we normally wouldn't have.  Maybe if we spent time kindness and love to someone we just met, we might just change their life!!  What if it was reversed??  You meet someone new, maybe at school, the gym, or even at a networking function, and you follow up by carving out some time with this Person. How would that look to them??  Maybe you were the missing link in the Next Great Thing!! Maybe they just said to themselves 'nobody wants to spend time with me, I should just end it all' and you made the difference. Maybe they just needed to vent about something before they exploded on their loved ones. We never know the kind of Impact we will make on another person. So if we make a conscious choice to be Generous with our Time, Kindness and Love,  maybe we can change someone's life!!  And then they will reach back the next person and do the same. May your day be filled with People who are Generous with their Time, Kindness and Love for you!!  Happy Sunday!!  

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