Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday February 12

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's Thankful Thursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that I learned to be Vulnerable. For many years, I had such a wall built up around me that I couldn't even pronounce the word vulnerable!  By learning to not always be in survival mode, I learned to be OK with vulnerable.  And guess what happened?? The more I was vulnerable, the more others allowed themselves to be vulnerable with me. Think about this,  if we are so used to how people are going to respond to us, maybe we need to talk to them differently.  Maybe we need to be vulnerable and expose our heart a little to speak to their heart and they will respond completely different than we expected!! When talking with other women,  I learned that we all have stories that we can learn from. Most of us can relate to relationship issues whether it's parents, children or spouse. At some point in our lives we were all children and had parents. And if we are lucky enough to have our parents in their later years,  we know how the roles switch and we become the "parent" to our parents. And if we can be vulnerable with them, we can be the best care taker for them. If we forgive and let go any hard feelings,  we are given the gift to take care of them, maybe even better than they took care of us!! The same applies for other relationships, if we can be vulnerable, forgive and we speak from our heart, we get a chance to heal regardless of how the other person reacts. Because we spoke our true feelings.  And even if it fell on deaf ears, we have released it from our heart. That's what being vulnerable is about, letting the truth speak from our heart not knowing how it will be received. And knowing that you're going to be OK whatever the outcome is!! May your day allow you to be vulnerable to someone who needs to hear what your heart has to say and be OK with however it is received!! Happy Thursday!!

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