Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Power of Words Tuesday, February 3

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that I understand the Power of my Words Direct where I will Go in life!! Anyone remember that saying Loose Lips Sink Ships?  It means a couple of things, Lies creates Loses. And it means What we say will Direct the Direction We Are Going!! Just as a rudder directs where the boat travels, our tongues direct where our lives go.  If we use our words for good,  we will be heading in the right direction. If we use our words for bad (to hurt others), we will be heading down the wrong direction. Ever been part of the rumor mill and watched as the words people say wreck havoc and chaos into that person's life or even destroy a business?? It happens on a daily basis!!  What if we turned that around and instead of gossip, we  speak blessings, abundance and prayers over people and businesses?? What would that look like??  I think we would have a bunch of Healthy, Wealthy and Wise people in the world,  more than we have now!! So the next time you feel like speaking bad about someone, turn it around and speak a blessing for them it might just change Your Life and theirs!!  May your Day be filled with people who Speak Positive Words and Blessings about you!! And may you have the opportunity to do the same for others!!  Happy Tuesday!! 

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