Monday, February 2, 2015

Miracle Monday February 2

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for All the Miracles in my Life!!  If you think that you haven't had a miracle lately,  I'm here to tell,  yes you have!! However, we take some miracles for granted. For instance, the Sun rose again today!!  We are breathing and ready to take on the day!!  How many of us were born to parents who were told they couldn't have any more children?  But here you are!!  How many of us had children after being told,  you shouldn't have any more??  Your children are proof of miracles!  And yet, we put stuff in categories!!  Big miracles, little miracles,  Big mistakes, little mistakes.  How about saying it is what it is. A Miracle is a Miracle regardless of the adjective we put in front of it!! Let's be thankful for All the Miracles in our Life regardless of the adjective we want to add.  If we expect a Miracle to happen, then maybe it will happen more often!!  May your Day be filled with Miracles and be expecting and thankful for countless Miracles to happen!! Happy Monday!!  

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