Saturday, February 21, 2015

Silliness Saturday February 21

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for?? I'm thankful for Silliness and Silence!! When going to a movie, Silence is Golden!! And when through a rough patch in Life,  Silliness is required to lighten the load!! And sometimes it's when we are required to be Silent that the Silliness Happens and you can't Stop. Like at a funeral or at church or during testing,  sometimes we can just create  our own Silliness and it lightens our mood.  And sometimes after adding Silliness to the situation, we are required to be silent,  which of course,  the most difficult thing to do!! So may your day be filled with Silliness through the Silent parts of life!! Happy Saturday!! #silliness #caturday #lightentheload #positive

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