Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Goals Wednesday February 4

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the Goals that I have written down!!  When we write our Goals down,  there is a mind body connection that happens that changes the way our mind perceives them.  They are no longer just rolling around in our head and we are wishing they come true. When we write down our Goals, they almost jump off the page and come alive, creating Action!!  Without Action, Goals can not become Reality!!  When we take Action,  the Goals will take on their own personality (lack of a better word). We will begin to Wake Up every morning focused on how can we achieve that Goal.  What Action can we do today that will be one step towards reaching our Goals??  How can we make this happen?? There is a shift in our everyday thoughts when we write down our Goals as there will always be people telling us, We can't Do it!!  However, when you see that Goal written down on paper,  you know that one day,  it will happen!! And you start to live with the Determination as It Will Happen, it's just a Matter of Time!!  So if you haven't taken the time to write your goals down, take the time and watch and see what happens next,  you might just Achieve what you want!!  May your day be filled with an opportunity to write down your Goals, an Action to make your Goals become Reality and make a Connection that will help you along the way!!  Happy Wednesday!!  

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