Sunday, February 15, 2015

Volunteers Sunday February 15

Good Afternoon Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Volunteers!! People who give time, money and lend a hand to other people, projects, and missions!! There are some people whose Mission in Life is to strictly Volunteer their time to be on committees or boards. Then some people volunteer their money to their church, local charities and to the panhandler on the street.  There are even some people whose Life depends on volunteers supporting them so they can be On Mission somewhere in the world.  All of these people have one thing in common... A Heart to Give Back!! We can choose how involved we want to be the World around us. And we can choose to just help another person out, like our friends.  Maybe they are going through chemo and need a ride.  Or just someone to hold their hand during a rough patch in Life. Whatever you decide to do with your resources, please know that you are Changing someone's Life!! So thank you for Being There!! Thank you for having a Heart to Give Back!! Thank you for Volunteering!! May your day filled with people who surround you that Have a Heart for Giving Back!! Happy Sunday!!

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