Saturday, February 7, 2015

Like Minded People Saturday February 7

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Like Minded People that I have in my Life!! Ever been around people for so long that you just get used to their Normal?? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything wrong with them,  I'm saying one day you look around and think why am I only surrounded by one type of person?? This is Huge World with Diverse people all around us but sometimes we are so comfortable in who we spend time with that we don't think about trying to meet new people.  Studies have shown that we become  like the company we keep. So do you need to change your company?? Are you  surrounded by the Negative Nellys and Debbie Downers of the world?? Or do surround yourself with people who Lift you Up, Build your Self Esteem and Encourage you to Follow your Dreams?? Either way, you will be similar to company you keep.  Several years ago, I decided to Step out my Comfort Zone and do things where I can meet new people, hear different view points, expand my culture.  Guess what happened?? I have met some really Awesome, Amazing and Fun people!! Some of them have become people I call Friends!! I'm open minded enough to meet someone, hear their story and learn something from them.  Are you open minded to able to do that?? Next time you're feeling down, maybe it could be time to step out of your comfort zone and find a Positive Person to spend time with.  May your day be filled with people who lift up,  encourage you and make you think differently!! Happy Saturday!!

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