Friday, February 6, 2015

Time Friday, February 6

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for #Time, that there is A time for Everything!! We all have a limited amount of time here, so we should make the best of it, right?? With that said, is there something that you need to tell someone?? Maybe you need to tell someone how much they mean to you.  Or maybe you need to tell someone that you're sorry.  Don't wait, do it now before it's too late!! It seems we all think that we have all the Time in the world to get around to doing and saying the things that we really need to do and say...The reality is,  we don't!!! There is time to rest, to work, to love, to mourn, to forgive, to dance and to tell the people who are on your heart and mind that you love them and apologize if needed.  Before that time is up, I hope you do that soon!! May your weekend be filled with an opportunity to tell someone who have always wanted to say that you're sorry or that they mean the world to you!! Life is short and You All mean the World to me!! Happy Friday!!

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