Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mom Thankful Thursday February 26

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my Mom!! Typically our Mom is the first one to hold us, feed us and bath us when we're born. So we have an incredible amount of Love for this woman. I mean come on,  we came out of her body!! Every single one of us was brought into this world through our Moms. What a gift that she has given us!! She gave us life,  our chance to be who we are today!! Even today if you talk to someone who was given up for adoption or abused by their mom,  most will say they still love their mom. Talk about a Bond!! Then as we grow up,  we learn alot from our Moms!! My mom taught to be strong, independent,  stand up and fight when I need to and also keep my mouth closed if I didn't have anything nice to say. She has a crazy funny sense of humor and I get my sarcastic side from her. And if you know her, you know she would do anything for anybody within reason. She also taught me to be a business owner as she is.  If your Mom is still with you, love her, love on her and take care of her, she took care of you once. If there is something that you need to forgive her for, just do it! Just forgive!! If you're waiting for her approval on you and your life...she has given that to you the day you were born! She chose you! She loves you and always will, it's just her way!! We never know how long we'll be here so make this time count!! May your day be filled with love from your Mom and love for your Mom!! Happy #ThankfulThursday!! #mom #nobodylovesyoulikemom #positive #inspiration  #entrepreneurs

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