Friday, February 13, 2015

#KC2040 Friday February 13

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to be a part of this new community of what the city will look like in the year 2040!! KC2040 is building a network community to help one other out. From non profits and for profit businesses to civic and political organizations and people who just want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to get everyone involved on some level to make this city a better place to live!! They want for us to showcase what we are doing here in the Midwest!!

Have you thought about what your city or town will look like in 25 years?? Are you a part of something bigger than you?? Why not?? Are you making connections with people who can and are willing to help you reach your goals?? Maybe there is a non profit that you want to help out with or maybe you want your business to grow, whatever your goal is, reach out to others in the community and you might just get the help that you've been looking for. Or you maybe you'll meet some really cool people that will become your friends some day. Or perhaps, you just might meet that person that will help propel you forward to reaching your goals!! 

My goal is to be a part of a community that are working towards the Greater Good and Paying it Forward by reaching back and helping the next person. We were all put here on the Earth for a reason, why not help each other out when we can.  When we surround ourselves with people who are on the same page, life just keeps getting better!! May your day be filled with people who are the same page as you and want to help you succeed in life!! Happy Friday!!

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