Monday, November 2, 2015

ROYAL Blue Monday, November 2

WoooHooo from Camp Sunnyside!!! Confession time: I haven't always been a Royals fan. Yes, I am a fair weather fan. But Don't be upset with me. 1) I have been a HUGE fan since last year to make up for it. 2)  I'm not from here originally. I grew up in a small town in the middle of Iowa. However, I have lived here more years than I lived there. So Kansas City is HOME!! And this Team, more than any other team, has been Amazing, Lovable and its Contagious!! 

One thing about growing up in a small town is that I learned how to be a cheerleader and support our Hometown Team. We all got to play sports just by showing up, there were no try outs. Being a part of the team is Magical!! It creates a supportive community around you that rallies when make an error and high fives you for your great job. But when your team goes all the way and WINS the BIG GAME...The celebration is undescribable!! You hug your team, you hug those around you and you feel this event has wrapped your entire community into one big embrace that unites every single person!! This feeling is EUPHORIC!! There is no sleep. Fireworks, texts, tweets, calls, bells and whistles are constantly going off all night. Then in the morning after dreaming about that annoying announcer's voice, you realize, it wasn't a dream!! This Happened!! They WON!! We WON!! We may not have been on the field, and yet, we have been believing, praying and biting our nails while watching every single moment, not wanting to miss anything. We stayed up late to watch the last seconds of each and every game. At the end, there is a FULL BLOWN Celebration!! Screaming, people jumping and noise makers all going crazy. And the parade is coming!!  This is, comprehensible, one of the greatest moments that we will remember forever. We will tell the next generations where we were when this happened. Enjoy this moment. Take it all in. Breathe. This is bigger than you and bigger than you can comprehend.

What if we applied this approach to all areas of our life? Our Business is our home and our co workers are our team.  When we believe in each other and cheer each other on, one person will win, which means we All Win! Celebrate together! The same can be applied with our family, instead of holding a grudge, when someone has a victory, we all celebrate. How different would our lives look if we lived life like we do when we play on a team??

The moral of this story...Surround yourself with a positive team. Believe in them and cheer them on in everything that they do. Celebrate when a member of your teams wins. And then they will believe in you, cheer you on and celebrate with you!! 

And For those of you who think Kansas City is just a "fly over city", it's Time you stopped in, looked around and stayed awhile. You'll find that we are much more than what you would expect. The Kansas City Royals just proved that. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thankful Thursday August 13

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's #ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that We wake up every morning and get a New Day to have a New Opportunity for something Awesome to Happen!!

 Ever been in a Tough time in Life and it seems like nothing good comes your way?? It happens to All of Us!! And When we Awaken Every Morning, we get Another Chance to Try Again, to Find Another Opportunity!! We don't know how many days we get, so when we get another day. We owe it to ourselves to make the Best of It!! We can't always get what we want in life, however,  We Do get to choose how we perceive it!  Yesterday,  something may have been heavy and dragging us down. Today,  we can shake it off and be positive that all will work out for the best!! When we worry too much about tomorrow, we miss out on the Awesome Stuff in front of us today. With that said,  Look for the New Ways to Make a Difference in Another Person's Life and you'll Be surprised how that tough time turns around. May your day be filled New Opportunities Each Day for you to Be Positive, to Be Thankful  and to Make a Difference in Another Person's Life!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thankful Thursday August 20

Good Morning Campers!! It's
ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for My Brother who made me this Amazing life-like tree sculpture!! I Love it!! He's so Creative and I'm beyond excited to have a piece of his Talent!! I will treasure it forever!!

This reminds of a poem by Bonnie Mohr... 'Life is not a race - but indeed a journey. Be Honest. Work Hard. Be Choosy. Say 'thank you', and 'great job' to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental ~ search for your purpose and do it as best you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you inspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive, it frees the soul. Take time for yourself ~ Plan for longevity. Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know. Live for today, enjoy the moment.

May you find a Treasure in your Life today and Share your Talents with Others.  It may Empower them to Share their Own Talents and Create something that someone else can Treasure!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Processing Sunday August 9

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the way we Process new stuff in our life. There is always a thought process of when we receive something from someone new. We think, this can't be trusted. Then we move onto, we need to protect ourselves. Then we try to logically make sense of it. Finally, we give in to our heart's desire and give it a try. As we settle in and get more comfortable, we start to believe and have Faith that everything is going to be Alright!!

Then there are some of us who jump right immediately to the believing and having faith. I am more cautious about life.  While I have Have Faith that everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to, I go through the motions and anxiety of first three steps.

The same process goes when receiving Bad News. We think it's Impossible, then onto the other stages.  What would our lives look like if we first have Faith and believed in ourselves and the other person first?? Would we make Wise Decisions or would we just Learn a Life Lesson and Move Forward?? Giving you a little something to think about. May your day be filled with Faith and Believe that Everything will be Alright!! Happy Sunday!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thankful Thursday July 23

Good Morning Campers!! 

 It's Thankful Thursday What are you thankful for today??  In Honor of my Mom's Birthday on Sunday, I'm thankful for This Woman who is my Mom.  She made me Who I am. She has listened to me whenever I needed her to.  She always had home made cookies ready for anyone who stopped by for a cup of coffee.  She makes everyone laugh with witty unfiltered comments. She may have been stern at times and that taught me to be strong. She is tougher than nails. And yet has a very distinct soft spot for people. She gives more than her fair share and has overcome more than most. She is Beautiful inside and out. I am blessed to have her as long as I have and see her as often as I can. She is full of life even when she is sick. She is a fighter. She is full of Grace. Even when she is mad, she still loves us.

If you haven't spoken to your mother in awhile, reach out to her and tell you love her. She Gave you life so Give her grace. May you still have your mother by your side to love on. May you be able to visit her often. May you understand how much she loves you.  Happy Thankful Thursday!!  

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July 2015

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! Happy 4th of July!! May your weekend be filled with Independence,  Freedom and Sparkly Fireworks!! May you enjoy Good Food, Great Family and Friends!! May you Love on each other,  Share some Memories and Make new ones!! May your weekend be full of Laughter and Fun and Play Safe!! Have a Wonderful 4th of July Weekend!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 25

Good Morning Campers!! It's ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that for the last 6 months I've been writing this and have gotten Amazing feedback!! I started writing this coming from a place in my life when I was going through tough painful times.  Literally, I had a cyst growing in my body and I was worn out! And every day I woke up and made a choice to ask myself OK what can I be thankful for today?? And I found it!!

  So I started thinking how I could use this as blog to empower other people who are going through unbearable times, to take a moment and look for something, anything to be thankful for and focus on that instead of the negative. As I did this on a daily basis, my life started to change.  People I know were calling me Sunshine and saying that they are Happy Campers!! What the what...this is actually working in other people's lives??!!! Look, Life is Short!! Times will Suck!! Bad things happen to Good People every single day.  Sometimes, there are no words to describe how painful life Can be. And yet,  we have a choice, even if it's for a brief moment,  Look for something to be Thankful for!! We opened our eyes. We are loved by the people around us. We have a choice between positive and negative. The one we focus on is the one that grows, so choose wisely!! And when you see someone else focused on the negative,  reach out and ask what are they thankful for today??

So Thank You to All of You who took a moment to read this and thought about what to be thankful for today!! May your day be filled with Awesome Stuff, Amazing People and Fantastic Opportunities to Be Thankful for today and everyday!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day Sunday June 21

Good Morning Campers!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my Dad He Rocks!! Over the years, we have butted heads, yelled at each other and Laughed together!! We may not see eye to eye on things, however he will always love me!! Parents make mistakes just like us, the children make.  It's not easy to see that, get over that and forgive them for it.  Although,  once we can let go of the past,  we will love our parents for who are they are and not for who we expect them to be.

Anyone can parent a child,  but it takes a Special Person to Raise a child!! Dads and Single Moms make Sacrifices for us that we will never comprehend.  They try to do what's best for us!! They may not make the best choices, and yet, their hearts was in the right place.  I know Single Dads and Single Moms who pull Double Duty making up for the other MIA parent. It is not easy!! This Day is for you!! As you should be celebrated Every Day!! This is your Pat on the Back saying Good Job Dad or Mom!! Thank you for your Sacrifices!! Thank you for your Support!! Thank you for your Wisdom!! Thank you for your Tough Love!! We Celebrate You!!

And if you find yourself today wishing you had made amends with your Dad or Father Figure, Call Him!! It may be that he's been waiting to hear from you!! You never know, it could change your life.

 May All the Dads, Uncles, Grandfathers,  Single Moms and Father Figures out there have An Amazing day spent with a child who loves you!! May your Heart be Overflowing with Love from the children in your Life!! Happy Father's Day!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Never Stop Learning May 19

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that I have Never stopped Learning!! As an ‪‎entrepreneur‬ if we want to continue to grow our business and our selves, we have to keep stretching and learning!! When we feel that we have learned it all, we become a disservice for our clients. When we seek out ways to learn more, we become more!! This is concept goes across the board... From business, to fitness and even our spiritual journey. Learn, read and meet new people. Expand your horizons and you just might learn something new about yourself that will propel you into the phase of life!! May your day be filled with new opportunities to Grow!! Happy Tuesday!!

Thankful Thursday May 28

Good Morning Campers!! It's Thankful Thursday‬!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to have learned to not Measure My Life by looking at someone else's. It was a hard lesson to learn, as we all make our lives Appear wonderful! Truthfully, we all have Something we are going through. Your Something is different than my Something. In the past, I would think everyone has a better life than me. Everyone else's life seems so much Easier than mine... Boy was I Wrong!! You have Stuff and I have stuff that just really stinks going through!! It can be relationships, physical, financial...anything really. And when we talk to other people, we start realize there is Always someone who has is worse than us. But when we isolate ourselves, we tend to think we are the only ones going through tough times. And we start to Measure our own life, achievements and failures against what we perceive as "other people's lives". In reality, if you had a choice, you would Not want their problems either. So instead of thinking, my life sucks right now, I have too many bad things happen to me... Start by saying Thank Goodness you only have this on your plate. Don't Measure your life to Someone else's life. Measure your Life to who you were yesterday, an hour ago or even five minutes ago. With each ticking minute, we grow stronger, wiser and learn from our experiences. We are All here to help each other out, not to evaluate or determine who has a better life. So the next time, you hear someone wishing their life to be like someone elses, encourage them to only compare themselves to who they were yesterday. And how much they accomplished in just one day. May your day be blessed with Amazing Support to help you through your Stuff!! May you Measure your Growth, Talents, Skills and Knowledge to who you were yesterday and not to another person!! May you be Thankful for today!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Graduated May 31

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to have Graduated from high school on this day several years ago!! As we say Hello to the next month, let's look at the many ways we've Graduated!! We grow older, we grow Stronger, we Hope to grow Wiser...Did you? We all set out in Life to have Expectations of how our life is going to look from the day we graduate from high school. My goal back then was to get my PhD in Computer Science and then move to Japan. That didn't happen. Which is one way my Life Graduated into Finding what I'm Passionate about and Love to do and then go do that. So that's what I did, and that's what I still do. It's okay that Our Plans Change!! It's okay to Change Our Direction!! It's okay to Redirect Our Priorities!! When we graduate from high school, we only have 17-18 years experience, that's not enough to make Life Impacting Decisions!! So if you did not become what you set out to do from the day you graduated high school, know that You Graduated into Something Even Better!! And we Have to continue to Graduate forward to Our Next Level, then we can reach back and Empower the next person to so the same!! May your day be filled with Aspiring Dreams, Inspiring People and Hope to Graduate to the Next Level!! Happy Sunday!! 

Rock Bottom June 2

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Understanding of What My Rock Bottom was and Knowing that I could Focus on Looking Up!! We have All been through some tough times. Your Rock Bottom doesn't look like Your Friends, or Siblings or Parents. It looks like when you are finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you realize you are Worth More Than the life you've lead. Its when you Decide to wash your hands of your past choices and Decide that Going Forward, your Going to make Better Ones!! That's Rock Bottom!! It can feel like Hell!! And it can feel you've dug a hole back up, only to have the dirt fall back into your face. Sometimes, this is Life. However, It is Temporary. How you feel today is not how you'll feel six months from now. It Will get Better!! Look Up, don't look back and dwell on how you wished it had been different. It will not change anything. Look Up to Focus on Brighter Future!! Look Up to be Inspired to Keep Moving Forward!! Look Up to Pray!! Look Up to Life Getting Better, not back to normal!! Then you can reach out and empower someone else to Look Up when they hit their Rock Bottom!! May your day be filled with Looking Forward, Looking Up and Moving Ahead in Your Life!! Happy Tuesday!!

Thankful Thursday June 4

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's Thankful Thursday!! 

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Like Minded People in my Life!! Sometimes, we meet a person and think, I want to know more about that person. They have a story. Guess what, we All have a Story!! The real question is, Does Their Story Align with My Story?? How are we Like Minded?? How can we Help Boost each other and Propel us Both into the Next Level?? How are We on the Same Path coming from a Different Direction?? How can We Help Carry each other's Backpack?? There is always Talk of Paving our Own Way. And yet, we were Not meant to do it Alone!! If we Look at the people we think are successful, whether it's business, fitness or spiritually, They each have a Team to Help them. They have surrounded themselves with Like Minded People!! It may take months, year and even decades to meet these people. And when we do and we put all of Our Collective Knowledge, Strengths and Wisdom on the table, there is No Stopping US!! Its more like... This is going to be something so Instrumentally Huge, that it is Beyond where Our Imaginations can even fathom!! Hang in there, the right people are waiting to meet you too!! Don't give up, as it will come to fruition further than you have ever experienced or expected!! Then, one you become accustomed to working as a Team, then you can reach back and Empower others to Search and Wait for Their Like Minded People!! May your day be filled with People who you have been looking for and didn't even know you were looking!! May Your Minds Collaborate Unimaginable Greatness Together!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wake Up Sunday June 14

Good Morning from  Camp Sunnyside!!

What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Hot Caffeinated Beverages that help me Wake Up!! Lately,  I switched over to Green Tea instead of Coffee.  Which anyone who knows me, knows I 💙 me some coffee!! I thought the switch would be healthier. So today I decided to treat myself to coffee and to see if I notice any difference between the two.  Which got me to thinking...

How many times do we get stuck in a rut?? We don't notice it's a rut, until something or someone throws a wrench into it and makes us change.  If we drive the same way to work every day, we become comfortable and drive almost on autopilot.  But when there's an accident and have to take a detour around it, we Wake Up to what's new. The same goes for our taste buds.  When we are forced to try new things, we "Wake Up" our senses!! So this theory also applies to all areas of our lives. We become comfortable in our "role" that we play in life.  And then we Wake Up and Change the Structure that we have become, what we've become accustomed to. If we have always been a Follower and then one day we have to step in as the Leader,  we may learn that we have Leadership Skills that we didn't know we had!! Don't let the roles you put on yourself define who you are!! When we have to Step Out of Our Comfort Zone, we Wake Up ourselves to become something much more than we had thought we can be.  So maybe it's time to Take a Detour, Find some New Friends or Change the Food we eat to change how we perceive ourselves!! Then we can reach out and Empower others Change it Up!! May your day be filled with Opportunities to Wake Up to who you thought you were and try something new in order to see that you are so much more!! Happy Sunday!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 11

Good Evening Campers!! It's Thankful Thursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the People who Truly care about me!! They reach out just when the time is right!! They make me feel better just by being them!! They make me laugh when I didn't think I could even smile!! When we have People like this in our Lives, we are able to let go of our worries and trust that someone else will help carry our stuff. Time is too short to be negative and sometimes we just need a place to rest before we head onward and upward!! May your Life be filled with Amazing People who can  Cheer You Up,  Help You Out and Let You Chill when needed!! Happy Thursday!!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Solitude Sunday May 17

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!

What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the Solitude that I can take!! Some people call it "Me Time". Others call it "Retreat for One". There is a difference between taking a moment for yourself and isolating yourself. Solitude will refresh, renew and rejuvenate you.  Isolation will hurt, destroy and break down your Spirit. Do we go through times where we want to isolate ourselves from our friends and family?? Absolutely!! Its in those times, that we beat ourselves up, focus on the negative aspects and go through a deep dark depression.  And its in those times that we believe that we are worthless, unloved and unhappy!  We end up in a situation where we hear that Negative inner voice so much that we start to believe it!! Do Not Believe it!! That is where we can kill our spirit. 

Knowing the difference between these two will Empower you to focus on just taking a moment in Solitude to rest and recover. Then you see the first signs that you are isolating yourself, you can reach out before its too late!! As we learn what our early signs are, we can will learn how to redirect those times to make it our "Retreat for One" time!! We can cultivate time into our busy schedules to have down time, reflect, have some fun, wrap our arms around the people that we love, relax and enjoy just the simplest of things. In this time of Reflection, we have to breath in the moment and appreciate everything that we have. Give Glory. Pamper yourself. Be Mindful of your accomplishments, big and small. Then when the time is up and we have to join the rest of the world again, we will be Brighter, Happier and have More Energy!! Likewise, when you see someone else going through their isolation time, you can reach out and empower them to focus on the positive!

May you use your time of Solitude to ReFuel, Rejuvenate and Renew your Soul so you can accomplish what's coming next!! Happy Solitude Sunday!!

Armed Forces Saturday May 16

Thank you!! There are not enough words to describe how thankful we are for you!! #ArmedForces 

Time Heals Friday May 15

Good Morning Campers!!

 What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful that Time Does and Will Heal Almost  Everything!! Let's face it, we All go through difficult times!! And those times can be so agonizing to get through!  However, a year  or ten years from that time, You will Be Better!! Nothing is Permanent! Hard times are Temporary!! It might not seem like it at the time but they are.  Do you have a goal in mind?? You Project what it will be like achieving that Time increments. In one year,  Five years and so on. So think about the tough times the same way.  Yeah right now it may be the worst thing you've ever experienced... And in a year from now or five years from now.... You'll have gotten through it!  Don't Give Up!! I can speak from experience! Six years ago today, my life had an  unexpected event that Changed My Life forever!! It was one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through... And now I am Beyond relieved that it happened!! Now on the other hand,  today is the Graduation ceremony for a friend's son who passed away recently.  It will be a difficult day for them and I pray that Time will heal them.
May you look at your circumstances a little different and think about where you'll be in the upcoming years.  I have surpassed anything my imagination thought I would be from where I was. May your Goals Surpass Your Wildest Imagination!! Happy Friday!!

Thankful Thursday May 14

Good Afternoon from Camp Sunnyside!! It's Thankful Thursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful to be Home!! I Love, Love, Love to travel and I Love coming home after a trip!! It makes me appreciate all of my stuff... Like my comfy bed and nice shower!! There truly is No other Place like Our Home!! We can travel for fun and for work but being home after a trip is the best!  Hopefully, you have created your own Oasis in Your Home to Appreciate!! May your Home be filled with Love, Laughter and Joy!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day Sunday May 10

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for My Mother!! **Happy Mother's Day to All the Mothers!!** A mother is the one who loves you unconditionally, even though she might not like you at the moment. A mother stays awake worrying cause she cares for you more than you'll ever know. A mother will nurture you in a way that only she knows how. A mother will put a band aid on your ouchie, cook dinner for you,  help you with homework... all while talking on the phone!! She is the Original Multi Tasker!! There are many people who fill these shoes... Even a Non-Mom will be a Mother Figure to someone else. And maybe you have been blessed by having many Mothers!! So this goes out to All the Mothers, StepMothers, Aunts, GrandMothers, NonMoms and the Fathers who are like a Mom... May your day be filled Love, Laughter, Peace and Happiness!! Enjoy your day and Every day Loving on your kids!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Guard Your Heart Saturday May 9

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that I learned how to "Guard My Heart"!! Not just in Relationships, also my Business Endeavors!! Let's face it,  we have to be careful of the company we keep... Period!! They are Negative people whose whole purpose in life is to drag others down.  Learn to Identify these people quickly and then Run!! Would you want to be in Business with that person?? Hell No!! Would you want those people as Friends?? No Way Jose!! Would you want to Fall in Love with someone life that?? Absolutely NOT!! So Guard Your Heart and don't let the negative and ruthless people enter into your life.  Keep them from coming in!! Guess what their purpose is... To Sabotage You!! You must protect all that you have worked for!! Stay Positive, stay on Your Course so you can be Unstoppable!! Then when you see someone going through the same thing, share your story and empower them to Guard their Heart!  May your day be filled with Loving, Positive and Inspiring People!! May they love on you, be a positive force and inspire you!! Happy Saturday!!  #guardyourheart #knowyourworth  #entrepreneur #positive #inspiration #empowerothers

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tulip Time Sunday May 3

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for TulipTime every year!! Even though they only are in Bloom for a short period of time, they are Beautiful!! Did you know there are over 3,000 different varieties of Tulips?? This got me to thinking about how many varieties of People there are in this world.  We come from different countries, economic background, religions etc. When we look at the Tulips when we can find the Beauty in each individual flower and when they're all together.  So why can't we do the same with People??!! Let's find the Beauty in our Differences!! Just like the Tulips' time of Being in Bloom, we only get a small window of time with some people in our lives. And sometimes we get a small window of opportunity at work, during the "busy season". And then there are circumstances where We are only "In Bloom" for a period of time. Don't waste Your Season!! Make the most of it in a positive way!! Admire each others' Beauty!! We All Bloom at different times, so Encourage those who need it!! Appreciate the people in your life for Their Beauty!! May your Day be full of Blooming Relationships and Blooming Business Endeavors!! This  Is  Your  Season!! Happy Sunday!!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 30

Good Morning Campers!!  It's Thankful Thursday!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that even though I've been scared to try something, I did it anyway!!  And the Results have been Beyond I could have ever imagined!!  At one point of my career, I considered going back to school. The question of "What do you want to be when you grow up??" resonated with me.  And I began to go over memories of being a little kid and answering that question... I've said Nurse, but nah, I don't like body fluids. I've said Astronaut...and my brother worked on the Space Shuttle so I got my fix that way. I also said teacher.  So I began to think about that.  But I don't like English,  Science, History...none of the interests me. So I began to dig deeper and realized I really want to Make a Difference in Other People's Lives and I am Absolutely Passionate about my Industry!! So I decided to go back to school to be a Cosmetology Instructor... Best of Both Worlds!!  Had to work part time and go to school full time,  which means starting over...After receiving the training and my license, I went to work in a salon where I was an assistant ( the bottom and do grunt work)  Starting over again!!  I was Terrified in both of these circumstances and I Did it Anyway!!   And within 6 months,  I was through the assistant program and was asked to be the Educational Director  at a new location. This was my goal but it was Beyond I could have imagined!! It was the best experience of my life and made Life Long friends and trained hundreds of people over ten years!  I made a difference in their lives!! 
Now,  one of those people that I trained won Hairstylist of the Year in Denver!!  I'm Beyond Thrilled for this person!!  Why??  When we can be Happy for another person's Success,  it is as rewarding as if we accomplished the same. When we put another person down for their accolades, it makes us fail in our goals. When we can Encourage, Empower andLift  another person,  we achieve Greatness Beyond our Wildest Imagination, cause we made a difference in that person's life!!  So May you Empower,  Encourage and Lift Up those around you and may you be able to be empowered to Go After Your Own Heart's Desires!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Layers of Healing Sunday April 26

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the opportunity to Peel back the Layers of onion that is me and Heal!! As we go through life, we have stuff happen to us that we accumulate a rough, hard layer of protection around us. As time goes on, we can accumulate many layers of protection to guard out hearts from being hurt one more time.  What ends up happening is that we been crusty, just like that outside of an onion. Bitterness, hardness and resentment take over who we the world sees us.

When we decide that we've had enough, we take Action!! We take the necessary steps out of our comfort zone and start to peel away all of the layers and start to heal ourselves and reveal to the world who we are at the core of our being. The way we entered this world. The way we were designed.

Layer by layer we peel away and expose ourselves by sharing our story. Layer by layer, we feel, we grieve, we forgive, we let go, we remove and we rebuild. Layer by layer we take away the hardness that we have put up to protect ourselves and rebuild what's left by forgiving ourselves, others and loving ourselves. Layer by layer we open the wounds that have left scars on our soul, in order to heal those wounds, care for them and put the proper ointment of those old wounds. As we continue to peel away the outer layers, we become softer, more accessible, more lovable, more understanding, less judgmental. Do we still get hurt?? Sure we do, and, we have the proper tools put in place to make it sting less. Just like peeling an onion, we cry and we get closer to the core, we cry less. When we start, the pungent odor makes us be prepared to cry through each layer removal. Its ok and its necessary!! We will get to the middle! It will take lots of time!! 

Is there some crusty layers of bitterness, resentment and protection that you have built up?? The time is NOW to peel away and start to heal, start to be the person you were divinely designed to be!! You are here for a Purpose, a Reason!! YOU are a Gift!! So start removing and healing today! 

I have been there! Years ago, I had built up such a layer of protection stronger that Ft. Knox so no one could hurt me...guess what?? It just made the pain harder to handle, harder to let go and I became someone that I didn't want to be. So I took steps completely out of my comfort zone and started to peel the layer after layer away, cried a lot and healed. It can be done!! And as you do this, there will come a time when you will be called to reach out and empower someone else to peel away their layers!! May your day be filled with Peeling and Healing and Forgiving and  Loving yourself and others!! Happy Sunday!! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Two Little Words April 18

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the words "Thank You"!! Ever given a gift or helped someone out and didn't receive a thanks? Even a verbal thank you or thank you text?? We can take for granted these two little words mean everything!! By using them, it says,  I Appreciate You, Your Time, Your Effort, Your Energy, Your Thoughts, Your Prayers...and a million other things!! Just Two Words!! Think about that!  These two words can a huge impact in someone else's life!! Some people will not do anything for you again if you don't say thank you.  It may hurt someone's feelings that you didn't acknowledge them. It may be the only reason why someone would do something nice for another person... Just hear those two words.  So let me tell you, anyone reading this,  Thank you!! Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to read what I wrote!! Thank you for engaging in conversation, friendship and laughs with me!! Thank you for sharing your two cents in whatever I have to say!! Thank you for sharing anything I post!! These two little words are not lost on me. They are a part of who I am. That's why I write. To express what I'm thankful for and I'm thankful for All of you!! May your day be filled Thank Yous, may you say Thank You and may you have a wonderful weekend!! Happy Saturday!!
#thankyou #thankyouinitiative #thankful #entrepreneur #bekind #KC2040

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 16

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for People in my life who have been an #Example for me!! I'm thankful that I've had positive influences in my life that lead by example with their actions!  Anyone can talk a good game,  but few Walk the Walk!! Our #Actions speak louder than our words.  Learn to trust people by who they show you to be and not by what they say. Too many times we fall for slick, fast talking "promises". People will  show us who they are by fulfilling those promises, then you can trust them.  We need to remember that we show who we are to other people by our actions too!

How many times have you heard someone complain about their life situation over and over again and yet never take the next step to change it??! This is what I'm talking about.  I had to learn that Taking Action is the only way to change my situation!! If I wanted to meet new people or learn something new or get in shape, I had to take Action and follow through.  Don't fall into the trap of a pity party,  Get Up and Take Action!! Ask yourself, what can I do about this?  How can I make this better for me?  And then Do It!! Life is too short to be surrounded by people who are all talk and never achieve anything!! Life is too short to feel sorry for ourselves!! May your day be filled with people who show you who they are by their Amazing Action. May you have the courage to Take Action for your Own Life!  And may be Be the Example for someone else!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! 😊 #betheexample #takeaction #actionspeakslouderthanwords #courage #positive #inspiration #entrepreneur #fitness #empowerothers #empoweryourself

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One Step Wednesday April 15

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful that after all these years I haven't given up on my #Dream!! If you're #Passionate about what you do,  the money will come naturally!! These are words that I've heard for many many years from a former boss.  I still believe it to this day!  When we have a dream, a goal to make our lives better,  it takes consistentacy and tenacity!! It takes time for things to unfold!! It doesn't mean we don't get discouraged along the way.  It means we take the punch and then get back up to fight another day.  At some point,  we will be able to look back and see all we accomplished and understand why it took so long!! It took as long as it was supposed to take.

We live in an instant gratification society.  However,  when we put our heart and soul into our dreams,  it will take pain stakingly blood, sweat and tears to see it come to fruition.  Hang in there!! Don't give up!! One step at a time!! Stay focused!! Then when we have changed the world,  we can empower others who are discouraged by sharing our story.  May your Day be going One Step Closer to making your dreams come true!! Happy Wednesday!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Redirect Monday April 13

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are #thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Times I've been #Redirected!! How many times do we start down a road and we see a detour sign?? It's the same thing!! We have to #Detour for our protection!! Sometimes, God redirects us by giving us a detour because he is protecting us. We may not know the reason, we just have to follow the signs to get around the obstacle!! There could be a dangerous situation ahead that we have to go around so we can be redirected on to a different path!  What if we kept going through the road blocks and flashing lights of warning?? We could potentially cause major harm to ourselves and our loved ones!  So follow the detour, learn a different route,  you never know what awesome stuff lies ahead by being redirected!! And then reach back and empower others to be OK with their detour!! May your day be filled with Road Blocks to protect you, Detours to Redirect you and a Peace knowing that you're going in the right direction!! Happy Monday!! 😊 #entrepreneur #empowerothers #empoweryourself #positive #inspiration #betterdayslieahead

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thankful Thursday April 9

Good Morning Campers!!  It's Thankful Thursday!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful that I had to energy to make my bed today.  Sometimes if we accomplish one thing,  it makes the rest of our day seem like we did something productive.

  Life has been really hard for me these last six months or so.  I've been dealing with my own health and pain issues, had surgery, trying to recover, had a death of someone who was like a nephew to me,  and now my mother's cancer diagnosis.  Through this experience, there were days when I all I could do was cry. There were days where I couldn't get out of bed. And  through it all, I prayed for God to take this. That was the only way I knew how to deal with it. There was a weekend when every moment I was awake, I prayed because I knew I couldn't take anymore. From experience, I knew that the Blessing must Be on its way. I knew that with all the stuff that I'm working on... Business, physical and emotional well being... There is a Beautiful Reward just waiting for me on the other side of this.  When I reach to the Top of the Mountain, the View will be Worth all the Work!  When we get depressed about something and focus on "why me" instead of what am I supposed to be learning from this,  we don't move forward.  If we focus on All the things we will be able to accomplish when this temporary state is over, that's what will get us through.  And sometimes the lesson is just to Survive this moment and when someone else comes to you with their depressed ordeal,  you can encourage them with your story.

 We are building character. We are being prepared for the next trial in our life.  Life isn't fair or easy or even pleasant sometimes. Just keep moving forward even if all you can do is make your bed. May your life be full of people who love you so much to encourage you through the rough times,  be a shoulder to cry on when needed and listen to you rant about the tough stuff in life. And then turn around and pay it forward to the next person who needs it. Happy Thankful Thursday!! #positive #inspiration #motivation #keepmovingforward #lifeisnteasy

Thursday, April 2, 2015

World Autism Day April 2

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for #Autism!! I have friends that have  children with Autism, clients that have children with it and know adults who are on the Spectrum with Asbergers. The reason I'm thankful for them is because the world we live is crazy and chaotic. We can go about our days with total and complete disregard for other people.  I believe the reason that Autism is in the rise,  is to teach us to be aware of how the things we do affect others. Instead of us making someone with special needs "fit" into our World, it's time to make our World, Fit for them!! We need to be more sensitive to others.  No one is immune to this.  So you can't live in denial or say that's someone else's problem!! We all know someone who is on the Spectrum.  Whether it's ADD, ADHD, Autism or Asbergers,  we know someone!! So instead of putting  unreasonable expectations on their behavior,  be open to how amazing these people are and glorify their Strengths!! Society looks down on others who are different. It's time Society changes!! May you give up your expectations on people and love them for who they are!  And may someone accept you for who you are and love you!! Happy Thankful Thursday!! #greatergood #KC2040 #empowerothers #empoweryourself #bekindtoothers #acceptthedifferences


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Snowy Wednesday April 1

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that we are predicted to get One More Snow in before Spring officially arrives. I just love Snow, making a Snowman and how cold it makes me!! I love to bundle up in lots of clothing, coats, hats and gloves!! I love how pretty it looks when the snow is falling down.

NOT!! Happy April Fools!! HAHA I'm thankful that there is one day out of the year that we can pull jokes on each other and for the sport of it, we get to participate. Its a day to remind us not to take everything so seriously. We can get so bogged down with the demands of our life that we forget to laugh and have fun.  Are we having FUN yet?? That's a question we should ask when we get stressed. May your day be filled with Fun, Laughter and Good Jokes!! Happy Wednesday!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Days Off Monday March 30

Good Afternoon Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful for my days off so I can take advantage of the great weather. The sound of water is so peaceful.  The way the Sun is beating down is just the right amount of warmth for short sleeves. The breeze is soft enough to feel a little cool.  When  time is going crazy and we get boggled down by the day you day chaos, we need to take advantage of our days off and go find a place to Reflect,  Refresh and Refuel. May you take advantage of your  next days off and enjoy the little things!! Happy Monday!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday March 26

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's Thankful Thursday!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for Movement!! Movement in our Bodies, Movement of our Mental and Emotional Well Being and Movement of Progress!! All we need to do is just take One Step. Sometimes Life can get us broke down for a period of time and all we can do is just put one foot in front of the other. And sometimes we can be going through such a hard time that it feels like we are crawling through molasses. And then there are times where all we can is just breathe that next breath and be ok with that. It's All Movement! It's All Progress! This period of time that can be so unbearable is only temporary. And if we are making progress, we will get through it. Ever heard that saying, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."  Same goes to these times. One breath, one step, one bite... Progress!! We can get overwhelmed with all the things we try to do, all the hats we try to wear and all the things that we have to be for other people. However, just take a moment, take a breath and just take the time to appreciate how far we have come. We may not be where we want to be, even though we are no longer where we once were, we have moved Forward!  May your day be filled with Progress Making, Moving Forward Successes!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Curiosity Wednesday March 25

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for #Curiosity!! The saying "Curiosity killed the cat" doesn't mean anything to us,  we're not cats!! If we approach life being curious to how we react to something, then maybe we'll get a different result. When we approach something like  we already know the answer, it's not being curious, it's being controlled. Being Curious, can give us Beyond Our Imagination results!! We just have to remain  open minded to that result. We can apply this theme to our goals in fitness. If we think, I'm curious to how my body will react if I lift something heavy for a month. We may be able to lift heavier. We may have built better muscles. We may even Feel Better!! When we think about our business,  I'm curious to see if this idea works and not put a box around the outcome. We may have just invented the next Big Thing!! When working on our relationships  if we think,  I'm curious if they will forgive me or hang out with me or fall in love with me, we let go of any preconceived expectations!! And the answer doesn't have a right or wrong... It just is the answer. Stay Curious. Stay Open. Ignite Your Life!! May your day be full of Curiosity!! Happy Wednesday!! #staycurious #beopen #igniteyourlife #positive #inspiration

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Green Tuesday March 17

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the color #Green!! Well it is my favorite color and it conveys many positive messages in the brain. Green represents environmentally friendly. It brings a peaceful feeling as it is soothing. It relaxes our brains and can alleviate depression and anxiety. It offers a sense of harmony. A Green traffic light means "Go Forward". It is the color of paper money in the US. Green represents #Positive, #Renewal, #Stability, #Endurance, #Perseverance and #Hope. So today as many of us celebrate St. Patrick's Day,  may your day be filled with all the wonderful things of how the color Green can improve your Life. Happy Tuesday!! Happy St Patrick's Day!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Be Kind Sunday March15

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Opportunity to Celebrate the Life of a Wonderful 17 year old young man!! Yes, he left us too soon. Yes, our hearts breaks for the family and his loved ones. Even though, his time was done here, his time has just began in Heaven. The Legacy he left behind was how he lived his life.  He was not your average typical teenager. He had a way of looking at things differently. From a very young age, he was a peacemaker. He didn't like it when people fought or even disagreed. He was wise beyond his years, as his self awareness was far advanced than most people. He understood his Uniqueness and his Strengths. He had a passion for the Environment and for Conservation. He lived his life by leading by example. He was Kind to Others. He gave back by tutoring Second graders. He played the piano and ran track.  He was a well rounded kid. He had an artistic eye where he could draw anything. His idea of fun on the weekends was Family Game night. He will be missed by many, as he touched so many lives. To honor him, We can Be Kind to Others and Be Kind to the Environment. Love on your Family before its too late!! May your day be filled with an opportunity to Love your Family, Be Kind to Others and Be Kind to the Environment!! Happy Sunday!!


Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Friday March 13

Good Morning Campers!! What are thankful for today?? I'm thankful for Spring is upon us!  Many of you will be on Spring Break next week or sometime soon.  Personally, I don't get a Spring Break.  I do Love Spring!! It's the time of year that the grass that has been brownish turns green again until the heat of the summer burns it back brown.... Lol. Animals come out of hibernation and you can hear the birds chirp. If you think about it, the tarnished refreshes itself to become better. What was once  desolate, replenishes itself. In your Life, is there something that has been cold and weathered just waiting to be renewed?? A relationship maybe, your resume,  fitness goals?? We go through the ebbs and flows of life and sometimes we forget about the stuff we pack away for the winter. Spring is an opportunity to get back to those things we have neglected and work on them and then, Move (Spring) forward!! Spring brings us the feeling of cleaning out the old stuff, that's why it's called Spring Cleaning!  Is there any cleaning out of old feelings that needs to happen?  There might be a relationship with another person or it could be the negative inner conversation with yourself.  Whatever needs your attention, take moment and deal with it. Then take a breath of Fresh Air and Feel Better for what you have Accomplished!! May your day be filled with Fresh Air to get Spring started on the right foot!! Happy Friday!! #spring #freshair #finallyfriday

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday March 12

Good Morning Campers!! It's #ThankfulThursday What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for where I came from. Growing up in a small town,  we looked out for each other.  We came to each others sides when we needed them to.  We helped our Neighbors!! We didn't look to be compensated,  we just knew that they would help when we needed it. Our society has changed as cities have grown and people move away from their original neighborhoods. We don't take the time to connect to the people who live across the street, as we are so busy looking down at our latest technological device. What if you needed help, who would help you?  In recent events in my own life, I've had people reach out to me from the old stomping grounds and as far away as India and Australia.  The point is that even if you're not living next to someone anymore, you can still reach out to them.  So if you know that someone has gone through a rough patch,  send a text,  an email or send a card and say I'm thankful for you, I'm thinking about you, I'm praying for you. It will help them through their day more than you know.  May your day be filled with love from people from where you came from. Happy Thankful Thursday!! #neighbors #reachout  #smalltown

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Precious Moments Wednesday March 11

Good Morning from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for the Precious Moments we have!! I'm thankful that we can have a wonderful loving moment with a loved one and when they're gone,  we can remember how precious that moment really was!! We only get one shot in this world, Hug your Friends, Show them Love And Make sure they know that you love them!! If you knew that you had limited left, what would you do?  Would you forgive the people who have hurt you?  Would you ask for forgiveness to the people you hurt?  Or would you just travel and see the world alone?  When we lose a loved one, we ask ourselves those questions.  And then I think, why aren't we doing those things today,  before it's too late?!? For me, after my grandmother passed away, I try to be upfront and honest and love on my family and friends as much as I can. Greet them with Hugs. Tell them I love them. Which may not seem like a lot but it does help. Once they're gone, you can recall those Precious Moments that you shared!  If there had been a person in your Life that you wanted to talk to and you're waiting for a sign,  This Is It!!  I encourage you to reach out to anyone who has been on your heart and/or mind and just let them know, you're thinking about them. It may just make their day!!  This very thing happened to me yesterday.  Thisperson who has been mind for over a year, called me.  It was great hearing from her.  Sometimes, all we need to know is that we are not forgotten.  May your day be filled with people who reach out to you and show their love. And may you be able to have a precious moment with them. Happy Wednesday!!  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Grace Tuesday March 10

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for #Grace!! I'm thankful for the #Compassion and #Love that others have shown to me.  And the Compassion that comes naturally to me when I see my Loved Ones hurting.  When we live with a Compassionate Heart,  our Kindness can be interpreted as being naive.  And that's not it.  The truth is we have Compassion towards the  World!! We only act when we feel led to do something.  We aren't naive, we are cautious to who, what, where, why and how we give our Compassion. There is a process where our hearts and heads have an inner conversation and check in with each other to make sure we are following to where we are led.  We choose how and who we serve. We can serve the environment by recycling. We can serve the homeless by giving them food, clothing and blankets.  We can serve the abused by being a non-judgmental ear to hear their story.  We can serve a grieving family by just being there;  not just in the moment, more importantly,  in the future.  We can All offer Grace to someone.  If we chose to have Compassion for each other,  we could change Our World. May your day be filled with Grace for you and may you show Grace to others. Happy Tuesday!! #positive  #inspiration #empowerothers #empoweryourself