Sunday, January 25, 2015

Autism Sunday, January 25

Good Morning From Camp Sunnyside!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for All the people I know on the #Autism Spectrum!!  A person with Autism holds a special place in my heart!! Every One of them is different.  They may have anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit, be hyperactive, non verbal and have social anxiety. And yet when we figure out how to communicate and show them we care and understand them, they Light Up!! That makes it All worth the patience it requires for us to understand.
If you don't know how to comprehend Autism, the Best way I know how to describe is as if an alien has dropped into your house and you have to figure out how to communicate with them. Especially if they can't tell you.  Each person is different, can do different things and have different needs. And the research that keeps coming out is that Autism rates will continue to rise in our world. Does anyone else see the Bigger Picture here?? We as a society believe we should all fit into the same category..... Well, we don't!!  Perhaps, maybe the lesson that anyone with Autism is trying to teach us is to Slow Down and Be Patient!!  "We can't make them fit into our World, so maybe it's time we Change our World to make a Fit for Them" I, for one, am planning and developing several different types of businesses that does just that... Changing our world to fit them. We are so used to hustling and bustling around that we take for granted the simple things in life.  And someone with Autism needs the simpler things more than ever. May you have a little more patience and show some tender loving care to someone who has Autism or any special needs.  And you see how that might brighten their day and in return will brighten yours!!  Happy Sunday!! 

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