Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Differences Wednesday, January 28

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful that we are All Different!! No two people are the same, not even identical twins. It makes the world a beautiful place and things get done. I'm one of those people who can see the beauty in everything. We may have different hair, eyes, skin, teeth, height and weight, and yet we all bleed the same color.  Most of the time, we want the same things. For example, parents want their kids to be successful.  We all want to be loved, nurtured and feel needed. We all have the same basic human needs.  So when you see someone having a bad day or they treated you poorly, just remember, they want to be loved too. They may have a child or loved one at home that's sick and they are stressed.  We all have baggage too.  What makes us different is what we pack in our baggage and carry with us. Some people's baggage is fuller than others and some have multiple bags!  Is there something in your baggage that needs to be left behind?? The next time you run into someone in a bad mood, instead of reacting to that, think about how full their baggage must be and just accept them for who they are, you might just impact their life. May your day be filled with the Insight to Appreciate the Beauty around you, Appreciate the Differences we have and Appreciate how we can be the Same!! Happy Wednesday!! 

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