Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sense of Humor, Saturday Jan 3

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm Thankful for my Sense of Humor, Other People's Sense of Humor and even God's Sense of Humor!!  Have you ever had a bad day and then somebody made you laugh? And not the ha ha kind of laugh. I mean the full belly, shoulder shaking, tears streaming down your face kind of laughter....That is truly the best kind!  Studies have shown that laughter can really feed our souls, heal our bodies and even change the chemistry in our brains. It can lower our blood pressure, lower the stress chemicals in our body and relieves depression. Think about that!! How much are you laughing on a daily basis?? Sometimes, we get so caught up in the every day to day routines that we don't take a moment to laugh, giggle, chuckle and my favorite, laugh so hard, you snort!!  And why don't we?? Well I'm sure the answer is different for everyone. However, I can testify that laughing is the Best Medicine!!  Laughing feeds your soul, can be great cardio and ab exercise. We have limited our conversations to texting and using emoticons and using LOL. But are you really laughing? Or just chuckling to yourself? Many times over my lifetime, I have laughed till my stomach hurt, laughed till my face hurt from smiling. and truly cried as I couldn't stop the giggles. My hope for you today is that you reflect back on those gut busting laughing bursts in your life and remember how Awesome You Felt!! Therefore, May your day be filled with hilarious things that make you laugh so hard that you cry, snort and release endorphins!! Happy Sense of Humor Saturday!!

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