Friday, January 9, 2015

Change: Friday, January 9

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for Change.  Not just physical change,  also financial change, environmental change and spiritual change. Most Change requires us to give up something in order to receive something else. Sometimes this can require exercise. Not just exercise for your body, we also need to exercise our minds for spiritual growth and exercise our discipline in spending when it comes to our finances.  If we wanted our life to change but were unwilling to do anything about it, then we shouldn't have the right to complain about it. That may sound a little harsh, I don't mean it to be completely rude, just a little sting.  Think about this, if all we did was complain how we are unhealthy with no money in a bad living situation where no one cares about us...the world would be an extremely negative place to be.  And sometimes it is. However, if we just realize that in order to change our situation, in all aspects of life, we have to stop thinking negatively and start thinking positively!! Now how do we do that, you may be asking yourself....Its simple. You just stop!! Stop yourself every time you put yourself down for being unhealthy as you reach for that 3rd helping of dessert. Go for a walk instead. Stop yourself every time you find yourself in the shopping mall when your debt is bigger than your paycheck. Start paying that off first!! Stop yourself every time you say I hate my job. Start looking for another place of employment. Stop yourself every time you say that nobody cares about you. Get out there and start caring about other people first, then they will care about you.  We have to redirect our thoughts. Some of us have been so used to the mindset of "poor me" that it hasn't even occurred to us to just think the opposite.  Life is tough! Life is unfair! We are have All been through stuff!! How we deal with that stuff is what determines our all over well being. We can continue to think negatively or we can Make a Change!! And start thinking how to change it just by thinking positively. May your day be filled with moments of Change!! May you realize that you can Change your whole well being by just changing the way that you think.  Happy Friday!!

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