Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for people who actually care to Listen to understand and not just to respond!  Ever been misunderstood?  Ever felt like what you said fell on deaf ears?  What if no one really listened... Your spouse, your children, your bosses,  your doctors....Think how that would reek havoc in our world. Think of all the arguments and misdiagnosed problems that would happen!! In my own experience, I had a doctor actually Listen to me yesterday and I finally got some answers!!  Whew!  That's the best feeling!  Knowing that the person you're talking to is trying to understand where you're coming from instead of their own "to do list" going through their head.  And in order to have a friend, spouse, child or co-worker truly Listen to you, first you must Listen to understand them!!  May your day be filled with opportunities to really Listen to what people are saying so you can understand them better.  And may you be Listened to so you are understandable. Happy Wednesday!!  

1 comment:

  1. I guess I need to listen. I didn't realize you started a blog.
