Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday January15

Good Morning Sunshine!! It's #ThankfulThursday!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for all the Breakdowns that I have been through as I know that on the other side of the breakdown is a Breakthrough!! Whenever I have gone through a rough patch, I know that the Blessing is around the corner!! Ever feel like life has handed you a raw deal?? We All have been there!! Ever feel like you're going through a really "dark time" in your life?? Well, guess what, it is Only Temporary!! That's the good news! Our dark times are only brief. Now that can mean we go through rough times for days, months and even years, just understand that its temporary and not permanent.  Brighter days are just ahead!! Think about it as a Warrior Dash Obstacle course....We have to go through the muck, the mud, jump over hurdles, get discouraged, run around in circles before we can cross the finish line. And at the end of the finish line is the medal. In this case, our Medal of Honor, is the breakthrough in our life. Maybe its the realization that we needed to take care of ourselves better or its that we have been holding back our love from our loved ones and we need to let those walls down. Whatever dark period of time that we go through, there is a reason. And that reason is to teach us the lesson of life that we need to learn at that very moment. So don't give up, your Breakthrough is coming!! May your day be Brighter by knowing the Blessing is just around the corner!! Happy Thankful Thursday!!

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