Monday, January 26, 2015

Healing Monday, January 26

Good Morning Campers!! What are you thankful for today?? I'm thankful for the Healing process that I have gone through!!  I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't took the necessary steps to heal my past wounds!! Is there something that you need to heal from that is stopping you from advancing in life??  Maybe it's from a parent or spouse that hurt you emotionally or even physically.  Or maybe it's from an old boss who said something negative to you and you have carried it with you into your new job and you're afraid to try for that promotion.  Whatever the hurt is,  you have to bring it to light and heal from it.  For me, the healing process that I used was counseling, praying, meditating and journaling. You have to find whatever works for you.  It may be as simple as questioning the other person why they did or said what they did. Oh and then you need to forgive. We can't have Healing without Forgiveness!! Who do you need to forgive, to let go of your past and start creating a better future??  May you day be filled with whatever works for you for your Healing process and that you find in your heart to forgive. Then when you see the person behind you struggling with something, encourage them to Heal and Move Forward to a better future!!   Happy Monday!! 

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