Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday, January 6

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!! What are you Thankful for today??  I'm thankful for my Faith. Now before you stop reading this, please know this isn't about trying to convert anyone or tell you why my way is the only right way.  I am just sharing what works for me and what my experience has been. 

Growing up, I'm thankful that I had a foundation of going to church, learning how to serve while serving others. There isn't room for our own ego. With that fundamental foundation, I learned that at age 19, everything has a reason.  That there is a bigger plan working behind the scenes, that we may find out one day. Growing up in church also ingrained  the word "spiritual" in my soul. I choose to call myself "spiritual" or "spirit filled" instead of religious. To me, religious people are the ones who judge other people.  I am the least judgmental person you'll ever meet. Because we've all gone through some stuff. "Religious people" say that they are right all the time. Well guess what, I'm not! In fact, I'm wrong most of the time and I'm OK with admitting my wrong. Most importantly, I learned to pray when I was attending this church. When I was little, I talked to God like he was my imaginary friend. And as i mentioned before in a earlier blog, Thankful Thursday, Jan 1  I drank a lot during my teenage years. So I prayed, while driving, that I would make it home safely.  After the DUI, I woke up and said OK God, I'm done. This is your life, not mine anymore. Do whatever you want to do with it....Now did I still screw up?? Of course I did!! I am human and far from perfect as nobody is perfect. We all screw up in some form. Then I was  extremely depressed while in an abusive relationship, I prayed for the boyfriend. I prayed for him to change and for him to get help for many years. I had even started writing it down in a journal. Then one day it occurred to me to pray for myself. When I prayed for myself and since I wrote it down, I was able to go back to see how the prayer was answered. Sometimes it was answered in an unexpected way.  Long story short...I am free, free from harm, free from hurt, free from pain, free from depression, free from hate.

 Now this is just an example of my faith. It is what has worked for me. You have to do what works for you. You may have to hit rock bottom, like i did, to figure it out. And that's OK. We've all been there at some point. You will get back up, even stronger. So today, I am thankful for my personal faith because it is personal just to me. It doesn't look like anyone else's. And if I hadn't grown in my faith, I wouldn't be writing this.  I used to be extremely closed off to people. The walls were built so high, no one could get in, not even the ones closest to me. I would never had been able tell you about my experiences. So, What are you thankful for today? May your day be filled with reflection on what your own personal faith looks like to you. And may you not judge anyone else for their faith. Happy Tuesday!!

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