Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Discernment Tuesday, January 20

Good Morning Campers!!  What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for Discernment. Some call it intuition, a gut instinct, inner voice, hunch or voice from God.  While in a situation or conversation with someone and we can just tell the other person isn't safe or being truthful. That's what I find interesting. They can try to  "sell" me on who they are by what they say, and when I process it, the truth is always revealed. 
Over the years, I've been asked to partner in business with many different kinds of people.  I always listen to what they're saying and to what they're not saying.  Sometimes, they're so busy trying to cover up their wrong doings, they will dangle a carrot in front of you.  Like dangling a carrot in front of a horse to keep walking forward. People will always reveal to you who they are, you just have learn to use discernment when communicating with them. This works in business, dating and daily relationships. Learn to trust your discernment so you can make the correct decision. I listened to mine and it has saved me lots of heartaches.  When dealing with these business opportunities, I looked beyond their sales pitch to lies they were covering up.  I'm thankful I didn't get into business with them.  I would be under a Grand Jury investigation right now if I had.  May you hear that Discernment, listen to it and act accordingly!!  Happy Tuesday!!

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