Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"I Am" Tuesday, January 13

Good Morning Sunshine!! What are you thankful for today??  I'm thankful for learning that these words "I Am" are the most powerful words we use. How many times have you used those words to describe yourself to someone else?? When someone asks you How are you, you say I am____ (fill in the blank). Typically,  we use the word fine.  I'm fine.  I'm good.  On really good days we might say I'm great.   How about when we  talk to ourselves?? That inner voice, What do we say?? We will say horrible things to ourselves that we would never say out loud to someone else.  So why do we use them in our inner most thoughts?  Sometimes, it is because someone told us once a lie and we believed as being true about ourselves.  Think back to being a kid and someone (a bully perhaps) said you were ugly or fat or unlovable or nobody liked you or your ears stick out or you smell funny or you'll never be good enough......Whatever negative things kids say to hurt another kid. And you believed them. So this whole time, we've gone through life thinking I am not good enough. I am unlovable. I am ugly. And so what happens,  over time,  as we continue to listen to the nonsense, it conditions us to believe it for ourselves.  Well I Am here to tell you,  You are Completely Wrong about Yourself!!  You are Good Enough!!  You are Lovable!!  You are Beautiful!! Now,  going forward,  stop with the nonsense talk... And change your words to I Am Great!!  I Am Lovable!!  I Am Beautiful!!  I Am Fit!!  I Am Happy!!  This works for all of your goals.  Let's say you want to own a company but as of now,  you work as an assistant.  You start telling yourself I Am CEO,  I guarantee you that one day you will be!!  Let's say you want to run a 5k.  Say to yourself, I Am a runner who runs in 5ks. Watch and see if your body starts to follow. Or let's say that you've been in bad mood funk for a while and all you think is I am unhappy and depressed. Start saying to yourself  I Am Happy!!  I Am Joyful!! Your whole life will start to change.  We get stuck saying the negative things silently to ourselves and telling others something else. Well stop that.  We have to start saying the positive things to ourselves and watch and see the positive results happen!! We have to speak to ourselves as if the positive thing has already happened.  May your inner voice change to I Am positive and watch how your life starts to change. Happy Tuesday!!

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