Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thankful Thursday, January 22

Good Morning Campers from Camp Sunnyside!!  Its #ThankfulThursday!! What are you Thankful for today??  I'm thankful for All of your responses to this blog!!  I am truly honored, blessed and humbled to have so many of you send me a message saying how what I wrote is what you needed to hear!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!  My goal is to get our conversations changing to what's good in our lives instead of what's wrong.

My goal is to Inspire you in a way that you'll turn around and Inspire others. Paying It Forward.  We All need Inspiration, Positive, Motivated Mentors in our lives and I pray that this creates those relationships. Think about how cool it will be when we open our social media one day and instead of seeing the Drama, Negative and Destitute, we see Uplifting, Inspiring and Motivating posts!!  No offense to anyone, if we put as much effort into fixing our problems with our relationships instead of telling the world how bad it is,  our lives may be different!!

My goal is to impact your day by speaking a blessing onto you and hope that in return you'll speak a blessing onto someone else.  With that said, May your Day be filled with people who Lift your Spirits, Make you Laugh, give you a Hug and Inspire you to be a better person!!  Happy Thankful Thursday!!

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